
Lions Clubs offer Special Events and Advent Calendars for the Guten Zweck

Lions Clubs offer Special Events and Advent Calendars for the Guten Zweck

Ochsengrillwürste and Küstenapfelsaft are available at the Lions Clubs on the Ochsenmarkt in Nordenham and. Der Erlös is for the best petting and youth farm.

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Northham – Special Special Specialties for Diesen Anlass – the beets of the Lions-Club Nordenham/Elsfleth and of the Lions-Club Emy Rogge Wesermarsch on the Ochsenmarkt in Nordenham am Sonntag, 20. October, an. If you are dealing with a grilled Ochsenbratwürste, the characteristics for this Veranstaltung nach a einzigartigen Rezept von der Fleischerei Gutmann in Burhave regestellt and von Mitgliedern des Lions-Club Nordenham/Elsfleth angeboten were. Other people donate the Women of the Lions Club Emy Rogge Wesermarsch am Nachbarstand heißen and calten Apfelsaft mit Calvados aus. This specialty will be additionally restored at the Nordenhamer Ochsenmarkt.

1285 Liters

For the Apfelsaft-Angebot, the Frauen of the Lions-Club Emy Rogge Wesermarsch with tatkräftiger Unterstützung des Lions-Club Nordenham/Elsfleth has quickly made 90 great investments, a pfel in Butjadingen and Nordenham as a whole and at the Umweltstation in Iffens 1285 Liter Als you press and package it. Dieser Safet aus Küstenäpfeln can be purchased in Fünf-Liter-Boxes with Zapfhahn for jewels 12 Euro.

For the Ochsenmarkt prepare the Lions-Club Nordenham/Elsfleth etwa 650 Bratwürste vor. The purchase price for a fresh grilled sample costs 4 Euro.

You will receive the results from the purchase of both special services so that they can be used at the children’s and youth farm in Nordenham. A number of other ponies are made on the farm.

Was the motivation of both Lions Clubs greater for their activities? “Gutes tun,” says Dr. Peter Hinrichs, Activity-Beauftragter des Lions-Clubs Nordenham/Elsfleth, at the Punkt. See the atmosphere on the Ochsenmarkt in Nordenham under “total net”. There are plenty of fun opportunities to meet and enjoy.

Community action

The Sale of Lions Advent Calendars 2024 starts at the Ochsenmarkt. In that year, a premium of more than 11,000 euros will be paid for your purchase. A calendar costs five euros. Your calendar example enthält 24-mal die Chance auf einen Gewin. In total 6500 examples were printed. It is a collaboration between Wesermarsch-Lions-Clubs Nordenham/Elsfleth and Brake.

With the Erlös of the Kalenderverkauf, the Service Clubs implement more regional projects and associations in the Wesermarsch substützen. Erhofft received an Erlös in Höhe of 25,000 Euro. The main project is the Zeltlager of the Kreisjugendfeuerwehr in 2026. It costs 5000 euros.

Beim Ochsenmarkt presents more Vereine. Other than that of the Förderverein Stationäres Hospiz Wesermarsch ein Torwandschießen an. Der Hegering Nordenham is with an Infomobil for Ort. The Jagdhornbläsergruppe Kleine Weser plays music. The Freiwillige Feuerwehr Nordenham is one of the Wasserspielen and redeems Tickets for an Aufenthalt on the Drehliter with Blick über das Marktgeschehen. The vom Verein Nordenham Marketing & Touristik ausgericht Veranstaltung started on Sunday at 11 a.m. and ended at 5 p.m. – in Verbindung with a sales offer from 12 to 5 p.m. in the Innenstadt.