
Schwierige Bedingungen: Debutant won the Munich Marathon

Schwierige Bedingungen: Debutant won the Munich Marathon

Nehemiah Kipyegon from Kenya and Asmare Beyene Assefa ran the marathon Munich won. Debutant Kipyegon achieved great results in Ziel in 2:10:02 in the Olympiastadion and a beautiful start – Ziel-Sieg. The schlechten, nasskalten Wetterbedingungen in der Zweiten Rennhälfte prevents the avisierten schnelleren Zeiten von below 2:10 Stunden.

Podeste fest in African Hand

Trotzdem Veruchte Kipyegon with seinem endrucksvollen Auftritt die viertbest Siegzeit in der Veranstaltungsgeschichte. Der 26-Jährige hatte über fun Minuten Vorsprung voor Siyum Tola (Äthiopian), der ebenfalls seinen ersten Marathon lief en nach 2:15:29 in Ziel war. Dritter with Benard Chumba (Kenya) in 2:19:00.

Äthiopien’s newcomer in Assefa was his first time in Europe with a personal best time of 2:29:44. The age of 26 is the second phase of transformation history. Zweite won the Kenyan in Shamilah Kipsiror in 2:34:01 ahead of Gelane Senbete (Äthiopien/2:35:44). Kipsiror hatte das Gros der Fuhrungsarbeit jeistet. She sank in the hope that she would reach the bottom and would have to be taken care of.

Keine German Topläufer

Deutsche Topläufer was in Munich nicht am Start. Sven Perleth (SC Ostheim/Rhön) as Sechster in 2:32:39 Stunden and Ruth Bergmann (Munich) in Rank four with 2:51:42 Stunden were the fastest national winners. The Veranstalter children are a record of approximately 28,000 Teilnehmern from 120 Nations. There were 6,250 athletes, covering the classic distance of 42,195 kilometers.

“I have given the Wetters a complete overhaul with a final performance record,” said race director Gernot Weigl about the Mitteilung. «Protect the processing of the residues at night and the wort will never be spoiled. I enjoyed it, the marathon will be changed in 2025. The city has always had the same function as the Veranstaltung functions and for Munich in a clear overview of a successful idea.» There is talk of sister economics for the city.

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