
Handball: Jever/Schortens siegt in Oyten

Handball: Jever/Schortens siegt in Oyten

Auswärts have the handball player from HG Jever/Schortens in trouble after problems. In Oyten a strong line of defense for the team is a “Aushilfstrainer” Björn Bröckerhoff.

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Jever/Schortens – The Landesliga-Handballer der HG Jever/Schortens can also return. If you play in the secret Halle, the HG at the Oberliga-Reserve des TV Oyten will be shown at 10:21 pm and will be put on the zweiten Telefoonplatz. “We have won a long period of Auswärtsspiel more, a huge glücklicher since we, the dieser Bann jetzt gebrochen ist”, freute sich Kreisläufer Björn Bröckerhoff, of the prevented Trainer Enno Bruhnken and Henning Cassens vertrat.

HG has an image of the aftermath of a playful tactical transition. “When the minutes in the Abwehr go from 5:1 to 6:0. The attacking variations are not penetrating with small amounts,” says Bröckerhoff. The minutes before the end of the guests were first served with two towers in the front (21:19). The separation is first caused by anger. Tim Arends wrested the ball out of the back with a separate goal in the Oytener Tor. Make sure that the eingegewechselte Benjamin Gräf spectacularly contains a siebenmeter.

HG: Graf, Peters; Arends 8, Bröckerhoff 6, Schönheim 5/1, Laurinat 2, F. Janßen 1, K. Janßen, Janssen, Oschmann

Dennis Zandhorst

Dennis Zandhorst
Sportredaktion, Jeversches Wochenblatt, Wilhelmshavener Zeitung