
Steinmeier ehrt DGB – ‘Brauchen Zuversicht’ by dpa-AFX

Steinmeier ehrt DGB – ‘Brauchen Zuversicht’ by dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Uneachtet der ökonomischen Schwierigkeiten in Deutschland ruft Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier zu Optimismus beim derzeitigen Umbau der Wirtschaft auf. Zum 75. Geburtstag des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbunds appellierte Steinmeier and the DGB, weiter “eine Stimme der Zuversicht” zu sein: “Die brauchen wir.”

The DGB is the only one that strives for social justice, such as Steinmeier. Veränderung bedeute nicht zwangsläufig Bedrohung und Verlust.

“New fascination with authoritarians”

The Bundespräsident warned against the consequences of the right: “We live in a time with a new Faszination des Authoritären.” Menschenfeindliche, national-radical, right-wing extremist kräfte hätten waiting Zulauf. “If you will no longer stay in the Landes-überlassen.” There are many people who are guilty of the work that has become one of the Weimar Republic, nationalist socialism and the Wiederaufbau for a democratic Germany.

“Free democracy is a violation and a schützendes Haus,” says Steinmeier. “If Democrats and Democrats were not born, that would be the cause of their internal destruction.”

Scholz: Gemeinsam anpacken

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was invited to the Jubiläumsfestakt in Berlin, said in his video podcast that the work was being tackled in the most urgent manner. “Those 5-day weeks, long-term care, when a man is sick, an orderly price breakdown – that everything was not done without work”, write the Kanzler on X. Aktuell müsse man gemeinsam vale Themen anpacken.

Fahimi Fordert Plan von Ampel

DGB chief Yasmin Fahimi provided a vision on the resolution in Germany and the modernization of digitalization: “Was with brauchen, is a verlässlicher plan for a zkunftsgerichtte fortress politics.” Investments and private investments must happen hand in hand. “There are grundfalsch, the years of transformation of the transformation as transformation debts in the hinterland.” The conversation with the German press agent has taken over the power of the Ampel-regierung: Derzeit würden fell on which blocking and in the critical sense was a green time, could happen with the Blick on the FDP.

“Nicht Untertan wollen wir sein!”

Der Gewerkschaftsbund was founded in Munich on October 13, 1949. The first war that Hans Böckler, an SPD politician, suppressed in his national socialism and planned to wage war. This will be the DGB that will end the social uncertainty through the ever faster technological developments. If you want the Hauptzielrichtung of the DGB: more gesellschaftliche Mitbestimmung.