
Tag and Nacht der Chöre in Marburg

Tag and Nacht der Chöre in Marburg

Marburg. “That’s what you were in,” said Almuth Westecker, when his Banknachbar wanted the Augen wish. “Look at the world” is really beautiful! Westecker works in the project team of “Chöre Kultur Marburg”, which, together with city marketing and culture, realizes “Tag en Nacht der Chöre” and Samstag creates a unique men’s hat for Mitschwingende and Singenden hats.

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Almuth Westecker is the ganzentag in Bewegung, bis sie ich abends in der Lutherische Pfarrkirche hinsetzen en een lauschen kann: “Schau auf die Welt, soch een schöne Dinge, sich een Wunder auf unserm Weg.” Die Veranstaltung läuft bereits eine good Stunde, als the choir of the Elisabethkirche of Sir John Rutter’s hymnic music is in its rhythm, the best composer of the Kirchen- and Chormusik is gilded. The suggestive Klänge rühren and Herz. Fuller Hingabe an Harmonik, Rhythmik and Text bilden die Sängerinnen and Sänger a voluminous Sound Orchestra. Beim Singen since all the sights are beautiful. Look at the reflective hand and expressive facial expressions of director Nils Kuppe.

Seemannslieder and Brazilian joie de vivre

Seit 20 Jahren is the “Tag der Chöre” in Marburg. All events began, recalls OB and Schirmherr Dr. Thomas Spies and the Höhepunkt 2022, when the Unistadt celebrated the anniversary “Marburg 800”. “A great gift for our city,” said the Oberbürgermeister. If there is not a problem, there is a solution to a problem.’ Here is a mediocrity and a challenge, and others left and right are not available. “Wie schnell gehen wir heutzutage an die Decke – da tut uns das Singen in Gemeinschaft nur gut.”

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Der Chorschatz functions in several facets. So Jean Kleeb and the Alte Mensa Chor brasilianische Lebensfreude verprüht en an der Wasserscheide in Windeseile das Publikum bannt. Hohe Anziehungskraft is one of the most common people at the Augustijnenreppe, schließlich erzählen de Seemannslieder der Marburger Shanty Tafel van Abenteuer und Sehnsucht. On the marketplace – thanks to a well-arranged Playback Musicbox – of the Studi-Pop choir that records Michael Jackson. This special sound moment gives Uwe Maibaum with his voice Alphorn, including the “Kleinen Uhus” of the Elisabethkirche-Kinderchöre since high magic. This schwebt or taktstörung takes place at 6 p.m. in the fully occupied Pfarrkirche. From 15 performances since corona conditions then 12 for jewelery 15 minutes on the stage. I have a fourfold performance of a ‘tauchen sie in die Tiefe der Musik’, moderate trefflich Kulturamtsleiterin Ruth Fischer.

Neunjährige sings in Arabic

The Kurhessische Kantorei encouraged tragedies, dunklen organ sounds and a quick concert flute on a program and gave a Vorgeschmack to his “Elias” Oratorio. Linking with the signaler, scales shaped according to the given hand directs Conductor Uwe Maibaum Takt and Tone. Music with a spiritual heritage, it says, “we look at it with the gift of knowledge.” Entertainerqualitäten said that it is together with the OB at a longer overbrückung zum nachfolgenden Auftritt. One Schelm, wer bei der sympathetic Darbietung and the Dschungelbuchbären Balu thinks. There is no power over the Publikum of a great artistic Glockenorchester. To be otherwise beautiful and oriental, like singers in the old game Faleh Khaless, with constant stimulation in the world of love. Dafür braucht Lieselotte is not tender in a Gesangbuch. If you sing in Arabic in a different way, if you were not born. If you want to know what it is, a sprache can focus on: helle, dunkle, Ernst, heitere, alte and jungge.

If child protection in the Kirchenchor hairstyle continues to view your own jewelry. The childish and young people see an inner lightness that wants to create a courteous but more wholesome world. “Yes, the spirit is there, we can sing,” affirms little brother Jean Kleeb, who performs a pirouette, lifts the Catweazle-Mähne and plays at the Konzertflügel supports “Joy of Life” with 60 stimmen erklingen. Weltmusik, Oratorien, Gospel, Jazz – everything drin. Entsprechend “Applause, Applause” is no more than a klatschen Publikum, under the von “Cantamus”. Who tastes on Pfötchen, goes through Kirchenschiff, nehmen schnell the geese Raum with in the many sin of the klangerlebnis.

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Nachhaltig started singing the Frauenchors Kantorka and Frauenkammerchors, von Marburger Vokalilisten, Unichor and Marburger Bachchor ran the Chorfest and said that with the abschließende gemeinsam they had “Abendstille überall”: Marburg kan “singende Stadt”. Darauf nor a Kleeb’sche Pirouette.