
Starter for the Neuried-Card – Badische Zeitung

Starter for the Neuried-Card – Badische Zeitung

Ab Mitte November lost the Neuried-Card with Neuried-Gutschein on paper ab. Beim Startschuss hat de Verwaltung de Vorzüge of the new Systems concrete.

Ab Mitte November soll die Karte den bisherigen Papiergutschein ablösen. The Gemeinde quickly hummed the Vorteile in a press conference after the Kick-off-Veranstaltung with the following next steps.

Für die Bürger

The card can become a bisheriger Gutschein after it has been included in the connection with an app registration – and can never be lost again. Other Gutscheinkarten can be downloaded in the app on the registered map. The card can be loaded with a credible bet of up to 250 Euro. Sales units in Neuried are available in all Bürgerbüros, Ortsverwaltungen and in the Online Shop. Planted Start: November 15, 2024.

For Händler

The administrators register maliciously on As an individual, you can read an online terminal book and use a terminal book. For the first 75 pieces, the starter packs (99 Euro) were provided by the Gemeinde übernommen. If you want to carry out a Vertragsabschluss, you can treat individual employees in the Abbrechnungsmode, during their own business activities and promotions for sales. The results of the good behavior are also possible in Teilbeträgen. The card can be used with the PC cabinet, scanner, handy or tablet. There may be no other problems.

For Arbeitgeber

For the best of the possibilities, you should use the steering-free Sachzuwendungen over the card for welding. Information on The starting cards (149 Euro) for the first 20 parts were sent.

These Einrichtungkosten in Höhe von 12.000 Euro würden vom Wirtschaftsministerium des Landes with 70 Prozent bezuschusst. The betting costs in the amount of an etwa of 2000 euros and the costs of the costs and the card are based on the Gemeinde in the Wirtschaftsförderung.

All fragments rund um die Neuried-Card savory Annette Hilberts, Rechnungsamt Neuried, 07807/97131

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