
DAX with new launch on rekordhöhen? US-Message Saison can help

DAX with new launch on rekordhöhen? US-Message Saison can help

The reporting in the US and the von der EZB were zinssenkung on the Donnerstag that lasted in the new Woche for frischen Schwung on the German Aktienmarkt. Auch Milliarden und Konjunkturhilfen für China sollten gut bei the Börsianern ankommen. The DAX can use new rekordhöhen in Angriff nehmen. – Der Wochenausblick.

Another start in the US travel period that the German Aktienindex DAX has delivered will not yield much more return. Am Freitag stieg der deutsche Leitindex zum Xetra-Handelsende auf 19.373 Punkte. Auf Wochensicht dies a Plus of 1.3 Prozent. At the end of September the best price was 19,491 points and could no longer be tested.

A study into the development of a newer price in New York, where the US-Aktien-Leitbarometer Dow Jones Industrial recorded new price gains on the market-wide S&P 500.

DAX from January 2024 (Xetra)

DAX from January 2024 (Xetra)

In the new world, reporting on monetary policy can take place with the Leitzins-Entscheidung der Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) in the Donnerstag in Fokus. Börsianer rights fest damit, that’s the EZB before the zinssenkung steht is governed in those years. Quickly all experts get an answer to the relevant financial markets in the Donnerstag with a basic value of 25 to 3.25 percent of the costs incurred.

DZ Bank uses a different sentence to calculate a value of 0.25 percent. The Währungshüter generally lasts at the welchem ​​pace that the Senkungen follow, writes Analystin Sonja Marten in her Ausblick auf de Sitzung. The total inflation rate that has sunk into the annual figures of 1.8 percent in September is below the Soul Marke of the EZB, although the inflation rate within the economic sector remains unchanged. The keynote is formed by a strong reinforcement of the sense-oriented sentence exercises.

Tendenziell started money political Lockerungen on the Aktienmarkt. By attracting an attraction, other anlage classes will be sense absent. Gute Quartalszahlen von Unternehmen was for increasing Aktienkurse-allerdings auch inheritorderlich.

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In the USA, the new world of electronic commerce and industrial production opens up in the Donnerstag. The American economy would no longer be able to give any warning of an American resolution. “Ein hohes Produktivitätswachstum stops perpetuating the costs of inflation and reducing inflation, thereby gaining money and money,” rushes Eckhard Schulte of MainSky Asset Management via Reuters zusammen. “So inflation can fall even further and the American Nut Bank can go further.” If Treiber looks for the Börsen, there is a positive influence of the US-Unternehmen.

The beginning of the message in the US has started with an attempt to follow a second dominant theme money policy, and write analyst Jochen Stanzl of broker CMC Markets. The War and Gain quarter started with four days over the summer, but it’s been a fun quarter going forward with the Gain. “And if the Messlatte der Erwartungen first lies a little, it will be easier for you to jump,” Stanzl said. The Hoffnung on a positive exceedance is during the grim night that research is being done again.

Nachdem im US-Bankensector-bereits JPMorgan and Wells Fargo in the Büchner mode, messages in the new Woche weitere Finanzhäuser: Goldman Sachs, the Citigroup, who dies Bank of America am Dienstag, zur Wochenmitte dann American Bancorp and Morgan Stanley. Außerdem reports im Wochenverlauf unter Anderem noch Johnson & Johnson, UnitedHealth, Netflix and Procter & Gamble here Q3-Zahlen.

This is where the Labor Zulifer comes in Sartorius with Quartalszahlen in the Donnerstag in Blick. Aus Frankreich comes to the Dienstag Zahlen von LVMH. And from the Netherlands report at Mittwoch ASML Geschäftszahlen – als Ausrüster von Halbleiter-Unternehmen een Gradmesser für die Branche.

At Commerzbank, it is important for DAX prospects that the US government avoided a recession and saw the Chinese economic crisis that has lasted a lifetime. The German Leitindex is concerned about winding back time, most investors felt that most DAX-Unternehmen wichtige Exportmarkt China became more and more important, wrote Commerzbank-Experte Andreas Hürkamp. The US government bonds of the DAX have a major influence, while the US economic indicators are positive and China has an expansionary money and budget policy.

When Samstag starts in China, the emission of state sanleien is “erheblich” at high temperature. Man became a special player, one of the stuttered Wirtschaft zu Helfen. There is an amount of 325 million dollars and a medium term, which China earned in the third month of the month, a real estate market for debt, the local indebtedness of the debt and the banks for their debt, together AFP. Chinese Finance Minister Lan Fo’an said at a press conference that “antizymatic measures” have emerged again in those years.

If the new Wirtschaftsdaten of the new time last before the ZEW-kontakteurwartungen for Deutschland deem, the service will become more open. The Mittwoch became neither a trade sum for August liquidation, but makes a donation to the Auftragsfile for the laborious company. (With material from dpa-AFX)

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