
Main symptom at

Main symptom at

The Corona variant XEC started in Germany in June. Knitting is a good idea here. An Ärztin in Great Britain warned now that those affected “who have been knocked out” could. This is a new main symptom.

The coronavirus has become normal and it can be a symptom. Gerade breeds itself the Variante XEC, sweeping a Ur-Enkel of Omikron, in some Ländern aus.

Here XEC would appear in June, the Zahlen would do this. Aktuell dominates the KP.3.1.1 with an Anteil von 60 Prozent, the Sublinie XEC Power 20 Prozent aus. It is worth seeing the Zahlen of the Robert-Koch-Institutes (RKI) for the Calendar Week 39.

Many experts come from the XEC in that winter in different states that have dominant variants in the world. It’s not that it activates automatically, but it becomes a stronger force.

Ärztin warning: “Grippeähnlicher als frühere Variants”

In Britain, a new warning may be issued – and another XEC symptom noted: extreme Abgeschlagenheit .

Helen Wall, Allgemeinmedizinerin in England, spoke to the “Manchester Evening News” about the rising XEC-Fälle and said: If you look at the new version variant, you may get the feeling that you have been “knocked out”.

“We can see the new Covid-Variante durchau in den Praxen”, teilte Wall mit. “I am currently busy seizing these Covid variants, with higher temperature, Husten, Gliederschmerzen and Kopfschmerzen .“

It is of course possible that the symptoms of erkältung, grippe and corona often disintegrate and become overloaded. They are very serious about their current actions: “Some of the symptoms in the history of life were the symptoms of the housekeeping and recovery, but at the moment Covid appeared to be causing people to appear.”

Weitere Corona symptom in the future

Grundsätzlich ähneln the Symptom of the XEC Variant of Corona and other Variants. The National Health Service (NHS) in Great Britain is not even on the list:

  • High temperature or cold temperature (Schüttelfrost) – a higher temperature is high, if the temperature or temperature rises.

  • new, anhaltender Husten – that is strong Husten über more like one Stunde or three or more Hustenanfälle inner half of 24 Stunden

  • Delight or a Veränderung des Geruchs- or Geschmackssinns

  • Kurzatmigkeit

  • Müdigkeit or Erschöpfung

  • Gliederschmerzen

  • Kopfschmerzen

  • Halsschmerzen

  • clog or wash Nase

  • Appetitlosigkeit

  • Durchval

  • Mental illness

Sodblopen als unerwartetes Symptom

However, in Germany there are always reports, and in the case of people with corona infections they are described as very violent. One of the people is Paul *. So it is true that it won’t take that long anymore, there is FOCUS online: „Abends bin ich vor Erschöpfung eingeschlafen and then because in the Nacht wieder waiting. Ohne Schmerzmittel did not go beyond mehr, aber an erneuten Schlaf war nicht zu Denken.”

Let’s say Paul started with my unearthly symptoms Symptom: Sodbrenner . Seinen Arzt wunderte das nicht: “Covid wandered through the geese Körper und Stomach und Intestine since sehr empfindlich.”

When the country acts, it is its own business. “A trend that has never been seen”, reads the RKI Ended September from Anfrage von FOCUS online.

In all cases, the active variants of the coronavirus with KP.3.1.1 and XEC can no longer be endangered. Ulf Dittmer, director of the institutes for virology at the University of Essen, spoke out at the nachfrage von FOCUS online: “A T-immune disease prevents the most severe cases, that is a strong Erkrankung-kommt.”

XEC is Ur-, Ur-, Urenkel of ursprünglicher Omikron-Variante

Was genau steckt in XEC? “XEC is a recombination with several variants, where subvariants: KS.1.1 and KP.3.3 are discussed”, there is a medicine and specialization for infectious diseases Elisabeth Hudson from the Californian of the “Los Angeles Times”. XEC also likes mutations in Spike-Protein, which are a snap, nor a human way to bond.

By making the active impffstoffe a Schutz, this new variant is displayed, which is so nice. After Hudson comes out, he dies as one of the most erased of the fall, which at XEC is an “Ur-, Ur-, Urenkel” of the reverse version of the trade. “Ein gewisses Maß an Schutz is also not best.”

*The correct name of Paul is possible in the editors.