
Who has captured the energy in this Invesco ETF?

Who has captured the energy in this Invesco ETF?

The Invesco S&P World Energy ESG ETF will invest in the energy sector and invest for twenty-eight years. Also ohne and Kohle and dafür with fell Erneuerbarer Energie? ECOreporter has had a great experience, with Anlegerinnen and Anleger found a green Aktienauswahl here.

The ETF offering is the US-Investmentgesellschaft Invesco. 7,000 units have been sold in 25 states and it was self-invented. Invest in the money of knowledge and knowledge in seine fishing. Investments in oil, Kohle, Atomkraft and Rüstung.


The ETF started on April 12, 2023. Because it has been on the market for less than three years, ECOreporter says no Finanznote.

The annual figures increased by 0.18 percent to an ETF value. ECOreporter developed a Haltedauer von sieben, says Zehn Jahren.


The ETF consists of an Aktienindex of the US-Finanzkonzerns S&P Global nach. Bewertung und Auswahl der Unternehmen-tribes von S&P Global. Invest in the ETF world in 33 medium and large companies from the energy sector.

For the Aktienauswahl, the ETF becomes a Best-in-Class-Verfahren. This happened from the Aktienuniverse of the non-nachhaltig Aktienindex S&P World Energy that 20 Prozent der Unternehmen was founded, which the schlechtsten or the ESG notes have taken over. Zudem became the 10 Prozent mit der höchsten CO2-Intensität aussortiert.

Das Kürzel ESG-steht für Ökologie (E wie Environment), Soziales (S wie Social) und gute Unternehmensführung (G wie Governance). For a good guidance in the only ESG-Bereichen gibt there are no connecting standards. Die CO2-Intensität was messed up, who fell CO2 The US-Dollar exchange rate has been postponed for a while.

After these first steps were taken, the 25th steps with the next ESG assessment were completed. Subsequently, the Unternehmen mit der höchsten CO2-Intensität gestrichen, bis all Unternehmen im ETF common a um 30 Prozent lesser CO2-Intensität als der S&P World Energy aufweisen.

Das Verfahren is vergleichsweise schwach. Letztlich became now that 40 Prozent schlechtsten Aktien aussortiert. Other ETFs have the best rankings in their class now that the top 25 products have been added to the portfolio. This is an example of some written documents that the Unternehmen ihre CO2-Intensity is still a fact, while others find ETFs with their carbon intensity.


The ETF progresses from the development of a company with judicial Waffen or Atomwaffen that is committed to defeating the UN Global Compact, and people and arbitration cases are also going to oppose it. The recovery of Schusswaffen and Tobacco products is taboo.

Bestimmten Geschäften muss der Anteil am Umsatz eines Unternehmens unter 5 Prozent lie. When it comes to the power supply from Kohle, the power from Kohle or the power supply from Ölsanden. It is a warning that a huge flow of fossil energy is being created. A complete list of the Ausschlusskriterien can be found in Premium-Bereich.

So nachhaltig since the Aktien in this ETF

The ETF invests in various oil and gas companies, companies such as Exxon, Equinor, Chevron, Shell and Total Energies. We come from Olservice-Konzerne with Halliburton, Kinder Morgan, Schlumberger, Subsea 7 or TC Energy. TC Energy from Canada has called on Atomkraftwerke.

The portfolio is dominated by large oil and gas companies that are part of the world’s main service provider for the fossil fuel energy source. No ETF can one day find a company with any of the following pure energy options.

No analysis of the ETF is possible: the conventional oil and gas förderungsaccount is a small description, the förderung of Ölsanden is below 5 Prozent. The portfolio is supported by a third of Kohle or its current flow with its hour.


Invest in a complete portfolio overview of ETFs on your website. Do this through active operation and automatic criticism. More information can be found on the index website. If you are looking for an alternative to trading ETFs, you will find investments and investments in the ETFs’ most valuable documents that contain important information.

Nachhaltige Wirkung

In one of the most recent “Stewardship Reports”, the investment is based on Abstimmungsverhalten on ESG themes. If you have an idea of ​​one of the best insights, a well-considered main group is an example of a policy for the best immunization of the themes. The vast majority are of all kinds. Zu weiterführenden Dialogues met Unternehmen find Anlegerinnen und Anleger keine Informationen.



  • Schwaches Aktien-Auswahlverfahren
  • Schwache Ausschlusskriterien
  • Nur 33 Unternehmen in ETF
  • Viele Investments in fossil energy


The ESG research is no longer a phenomenon here, it is a fossil energy ETF being marketed. It is interesting to buy some interesting items and items that provide a greater amount of product.

The ECOreporter Notes:


Nachhaltigkeit: 6.0

Details about the reporting system of ECOreporter can be found here.

All available ETF tests can be found here.


Ausschlusskriterien ohne Umsatzschwelle:

  • Real Waffen
  • Nuclear wars
  • Restellung Klein- und Leichtwaffen zivil und nicht-zivil
  • Restoration of Schlüsselkomponenten von Klein- und Leichtwaffen
  • Herstellung Tobacco Products
  • View the UN Global Compact

Ausschlusskriterien met Umsatzschwelle:

  • Vertrieb Klein- en Leichtwaffen (5%)
  • Recovery/Vertrieb militärischer Waffen (5%)
  • Kohlebergbau (5%)
  • Erzeugung Kohlestrom (5%)
  • Förderung Olsande (5%)
  • Sales of tobacco products (5%)

Dating and facts

Foundation Day of Tests: 10.10.2024

Name of the ETFs: Invesco S&P World Energy ESG UCITS ETF Acc


Nachgebildeter index: S&P World ESG Enhanced Energy Index

Start of the ETFs: 12.4.2023

Yearly Gebühren: 0.18% (Gesamtkosten)

Replication method: physical (Indexnachbildung durch Kauf der Aktien)

Ertragsverwendung: treasury

Fund volumes: 10.9 Million US Dollars (10/2024)


Risk: Totally unwahrscheinlich, Teilverluste möglich