
20,000 euros for hard work – that’s what I do

20,000 euros for hard work – that’s what I do

20,000 euros for hard work – that’s what I do

Symbolbild: Academic Ghostwriter writes about money and care for students. High reviews of Job – and our main character Henrik Müller (cousin in the picture) spoke like a more evil Ghostwriter from the series.
Getty Images/Wang Yukun/Westend61

Statistics of homework for college concerned with writing are studying cars as Ghostwriter.

Henrik Müller* has been involved in erasing texts and obtaining compensation and earns around 20,000 euros in one year.

For the Hochschul-Dozierende „erschüttert Ghostwriting die Glaubwürdigkeit der Wissenschaft“. And Müller thinks the job is ‘immoral’, which is an interview with Business Insider.

Wenn Henrik Müller* speaks, then swings a festive overseas in seiner Stimme mit. There is a ehrlicher typ, the violation of the task that has been unpacked, there are a few years in hidden night corridors ist. If you look at the names this is not clear, but the research is critical of these arguments. “I think Ghostwriting is unmoral,” says. And there is concrete: “We are not prepared to do our own work, but our Union is not lost.”

As a Ghostwriter, Henrik das Schnelle earns money

A Kumpel gave Henrik 2023 the idea, he has found his own Psychology and Masterstudium academic Essays for other college students and college students. Damals holds his therapeutic image in front of the Tür. With these finances, it is important to be prepared to write home and business work, as well as in Psychology and BWL. You can follow more bachelor’s and master’s courses.

The control is carried out by special agents, because there is a tribute. “So you have to make a good impression and get a great impression,” says Henrik, and then he says: “You must ensure that your form is perfect.”

A bowel form is an examination of a page – the erasure of an examination. Hanging up the monthly print and requesting a cashier costs 45 euros per page. My text has been collected in one year 630 Seiten and earns more than 20,000 Euro.


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“Man hilft reichen Menschen, reicher zu be”

When Henrik started working in the background – Ghostwriting agents praised the service en masse on the Internet. You can gain knowledge about the promotion of Wissenschaftlerinnen and Wissenschaftler with the help of a fachrichtungen. You can call on 24 telephone hotlines and use payment methods with Paypal and Visa. Auch in eenschlägigen Facebook-Groupen tummeln sich unter tausenden Mitgliedern Autorinnen und Autoren, de Seminararbeiten gegen Geld übernehmen.

Henriks investigates his ‘Study and Privatunis, which Eltern earns money’, and he would like to learn that he can do his job. Genau das ärgert ihn heute an dem Job: “Man hilft reichen Menschen, zu bereicher.”

Ghostwriting is a legal problem in Germany

Offiziell deklarieren Henrik and seine Agencies that work completely as “Lösungsskizzen”, the knowledge and skills später at Schreiben der eigen Teksten als Orientierung helfen. “The work that was done would require a lot of work, because the work would not be complete,” said Henrik, and he added: “Of course it is often trotzdem.”

It is possible to do Ghostwriting in Germany in a legal company. Nur wer a fremdverfasste Arbeit an der Unireicht, verstößt in der Regel gegen die Prüfungsordnung and riskiert the Exmatrikulation. Schlimmen fall entzieht the college nighträglich one of the academic degrees and erstattet Anzeige weigh a false eidestattlichen versicherung. Darauf Stehen bis zwei Jahre Haft. But not all universities long for Solche Beteuerung.

Since 2012, the Deutsche Hochschulverband (DHV) has found a new Straftatfile of Wissenschaftsbetrugs and a word of Ghostwriter-Berufs. If you see a man here, you can shout a “Schattengewerbe”. But they are not written down by the Gesetzgeber de Vorstoß bislang. With “erschüttert Ghostwriting de Glaubwürdigkeit der Wissenschaft, die vom redlichen Umgang mit Daten, Fakten and geistigem Eigentum lebt”, explains Matthias Jaroch, Speaker of the DHV.

Dem pflichtet Gerhard Dannemann bei. As a professor of law at the Great Britain Center of the Humboldt University in Berlin, this Jahrzehnten Fall von Betrug in der Forschung is a matter of experience. “Ghostwriting is a story and example of a science teacher and a scientist doing solid work,” er meint. “Practices with Plagiarism and Ghostwriting Corrumpier Die Wissenschaft.”

Während Prüferinnen und Prüfer-allerdings Plagiate als abgeschriebene Texte “gerichtsfest” nachweisen können, so Dannemann, gibt es in Fallen von Ghostwriting kaum Anhaltspunkte. If you have done a German study, there is a perfectly written English work, “het schon een mal een gewissen Suspicious moment hervor”, erklärt der Jurist. “Aber den tatsächlichen Beweis zu fuhren, ist sehr schwierig.”

One of the many models used by the DHV, Dannemann stops with a lost Tiger, rendering Ghostwriting ineffective. “Men can impose Criminal Orders against Wissenschaftsbetrug, and perhaps stop with a menschendavon ab for a while. Comments are made here about the state personnel that have not been established and have ended the consequences of a woolen institution, while the einschätzung is being carried out.


The Verbraucherzentrale NRW warned against Fake-Inseraten von Wohnungen on bekannten Immobilien-Plattformen.

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The students are more interested in learning more about studying

Because the study was not first carried out in the study, autorinnen and autoren fremde for their work, greifen the professor who gives his colleges and colleges a follow-up strategy: they can be treated in the study returns and the Forschung. „We speak with each other and understand, if the theme is clear, you will be able to understand the theme, it is not interesting.“ We are very grateful, we are sorry about the dozens of students at the Großbritannien-Zentrum in our own team. , um good work zu gewährleisten.

It is a sin of DHV Speaker Jaroch. There is little personal in the book, study narrowly in writing publications and carrying out “correct scientific praxis” in vermitteln.

Whoever it is, dear Henriks Erfahrung. Some of the knowledge and skills may be the smallest writing for research and writing an academic text that is not. In this case, “you would rather be a poor student who would not be happy with your studies.”

Add that Henrik wrote the Ghostwriting in the background. BWL-Studien langweilen ihn. “Money is the only thing, it was my job that I would have lived in,” the summary is sober. One such treatment is a psychotherapist – a person from fear to fear who helps.

*Business Insider hat with names of key players. You can obtain the identity of the person you can use.

Want to know if it’s Ghostwriter gear? Or do you need a Ghostwriter, an idea to write? Dann reports to us. All information was discussed privately.

This article was published on October 10, 2024 and is officially running.