
Vegan and acid-free: so make a safer Carrot Cake

Vegan and acid-free: so make a safer Carrot Cake

If you know the food processor or carrot cake: the safe karottenkuchen is a truly classic cuisine – and it is absolutely suitable for the best Osterfest.

If you were on the line of eight you would no longer be able to see your kitchen, then you would have to be tried again. Zuckerfrei en trotzdem lecker, das funktioniert. We knew everything: Kein Kuchen ist auch keine Lösung.

For the Frosting

  • 200 g vegan Frisian cheese
  • 40 g Süßungsmittel deiner Wahl, Xylit or Agevendicksaft
  • 1 Spritzer Zitronensaft
  • etwax Vanilla extract

For the topping

  • hacked new or pistachio-style Wahl

Step by step to vegan karottenkuchen

  1. Before starting the Zubereitung, heize the Backofen at approximately 180 Grad Ober-Unterhitze vor.
  2. Coconut oil can be used with Xylit or Agevendicksaft in a top layer and weld at lower temperatures.
  3. Give everyone else a chance to get in a schüssel and mingle their bowels. Mische dann die Kokosöl-Masse unter.
  4. Complete the piece in a quadruple backform and give the form for 35 minutes in it often.
  5. Mische in der Zwischenzeit die Zutaten für das Frostig jijammen.
  6. When the kitchen is at war, the best thing to do is enjoy the Frosting. Dress the Carrot Cake with the Deinem Topping.

More vegan recipes can be found in another book in the backbuch “Vegan and Zuckerfrei backen” by Tiana Tiffert.