
Hospitality: Wenn Kulturerbe auf Umweltkonflkeek trifft

Hospitality: Wenn Kulturerbe auf Umweltkonflkeek trifft

The political entscheidungssträger in the Balkans in sozialist and postozialist times ignored the fragment of cultural culture and the global world. Was passion also, if vererbungs- and Umweltfragen merged and the Soul, life on a verlassenende Berg would be, would an Entscheidung-wird, wer gettet be soll and wie?

In the Viehschik – one of the people who are naturally schaffen, it is worth seeing the domestic company – does not state the Frage, a Tier truce will become like this, if it is good and who. If the company’s capital represents classical Wertproduction in the context of a knitting Lebenspolitik. Meadows, local Races and Wissen are the Herdenhaltung lassen sich nicht of the Theory in able, among the people in the Lebenszyklen der Bauern and their Tiere über longer Zeiträume will become.

Separating a generation of people, ties and the entire system over the years. In the semi-peripheral regions that involve the Balkans, there are also a number of discussions about the gewählte Art of Fortschritts, and a Gesellschaft uningeschlagen hat.

Revolutionary Ecology

I started 19 and 20 years ago with the development of the new national state in Eastern and Central Europe after the Wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung als Ausweg aus der imperialen Unterwerfung. If all is well, man is by nature “an effort must be made” for the soul of economic development. In Abstimmung mit western European Experts, Sumpflandschaften were trockenlegt and Flüsse gezähmt. The best of no human art is productive and the best of human generations as one of the best things – in the future of the most conservative generation.

In the late 1940s, the new Federal People’s Republic of Jugoslawien became the Zerstörung, which is a fully responsible war for the Zerstörung, the new state for exports in the West: Holz. Seeing an end to the battle against the Walden and the “Mutter der Armut” was caused by a butt revolution and a shock wave. Hunderttausende von Ziegen would be sold or exported to Griechenland.

Schafe, Gastbeitrag Ivan Rajković

Ivan Rajkovic

Gemischte Herde von autochthonen und hybriden Pramenka-Schafen im Dorf Izatovci, Serbia, September 2023

I think there is still a coup, the local enmity has disappeared. These are typical of the different Arten von Pramenka-Schafen contents in the mountain regions. The wool used by the webs of Kelim, while the dairy products were more profitable, such as z. B. der Hartkazen, the local capitalists ran the city of Pirot in the 1920s in the United States and the export of the Maghreb.

When the new textile industry appeared in the wool industry in the 1950s, people were inspired by the high quality of merino wool – to the delight of the milk fund. The state’s agricultural experts started, local herders with Spanish Merinos and German Wittenbergers with Crossbreeds, in the Hoffnung, genetically changing more generations with the Viehstock.

Ivan Rajkovic

Ivan Rajkovic

Over the Author

Ivan Rajković is a social anthropologist with a political-political, moralistic economy and artistic mountain journeys across the Balkans. There is a university assistant at the Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie of the University of Wien and a derzeit ifk Research Fellow.

It is often the case that the 1960s of the ‘Jugendkults’ took place in the socialist ‘Nieuwe Mensch’ in the 1960s as the generations were forming. The socialistic investments in new generations are accompanied by the profiling and promotion of the new generations. While the young Gorani-Schulkinder, the country grew up and the man grew up from the Merino-Nachwuchs-konzentrierte, the native Rassen zum Störfaktor would be for the Fortschritt der Natie. In the Dörfern located in a certain location, residents can often use the Tod alter Rassen. Make sure that the residents stay on a higher island, the state ordinances Merino Nachwuchs as untauglich zu töten. De Frage der Merinizacija vereinte verschiedene Unzufriedenheiten.

Verfall, Entvölkerung und patrimoniale Ökologie

Schließlich erwiesen sich the new “Hybrids” tatsächlich as ungeeignet for the raue Gebirgsklima, that they again genügen Milch for the ländliche Wirtschaft production, nor the grim Wolle, for the local Kelimwirtschaft can war. This was formed in the 1960s by the Abwanderung der Bauern in the city and power from the Hirten factory. In the 2010s, the war in the Balkans was no bigger, and the images of the educational people were among the local Protestants who had the wasserkraft of bigger bedbugs. The Frage war: Who can experience this area?

A Gruppe von Viehzüchtern began, itself for the Erhalt of autochtonous Races in the Balkans, the Pramenka-Schafen and the Buš-Rindes einzusetzen. If you no longer see another move towards bioproduction, it is one of the best ways to grow the world’s economy: the gefährdeten Genpools, the lost Hirten handicrafts and the “Šop” culture thus generated, a interethnic mix of Swiss Serbian, Bulgarian and Mazedonian broadens ist.

During the 2000s, transnational biodiversity projects – with EuroNatura – and national state politics will continue. If the Rettung is used in other Tierrassen, the weeding is a system consideration: a local Weidewiesen weeder zu pflegen, muss man dort autochtone Herden weiden lassen. In the meantime, you will be happy, you will be happy with your work, and you will also be able to work with them. In addition, a modernist Ökology is a new, traditional Ökology that comes with life.

If the last problem arises, there is a problem solving problem in the wiederholen: if one of the years in the future takes a more modern point of view, it is the new art that has a historical, political and öcological fehlentwicklung in the world .