
Nuclear energy – BASE-Chef: Atompläne der Union gefährden Suche nach Endlager – Bayern

Nuclear energy – BASE-Chef: Atompläne der Union gefährden Suche nach Endlager – Bayern

Berlin (dpa) – The Ankündigungen von CDU und CSU zur Reaktivierung der Atomenergie in Deutschland er ersicht nach Ansicht van den Präsidenten des Bundesamts voor de Sicherheit-nuclearer Entsorgung (BASE), Christian Kühn, die sich verfaren voor een Endlager. “Eine Reaktivierung der Kernkraft with den new entstehenden Afällen würde das Verfahren sicher burdenen,” said the BASE Chief in Berlin. Bereits the young Ankündigungen of CDU and CSU have an influence on the Verfahren. So we would like to provide additional information about the information, with the help of a Zunahme or Atommüllmenge zu rechnen sei.

In general, Kühn says that the BASE is skeptical about the Atom debate: “We are concerned about the consequences of nuclear waste and the National Entsorgungsdebatte which Europeans always hint at runterfallen.”

Kühn: Endlagersuche braucht parteipolitische Konsens

Kühn has appealed to the CDU and CSU, which have made no such statements: ‘It is a greater party political power that can be applied to the fundamental basis of the struggle. If we feel like we have stopped, then we will lose the final faction of the case.” “Daher has the great Wunsch and the politics in the atomic debate on a larger part of the struggle, then it will be a desired Soul that comes.”

The Union practically speaks of the takeover of the German Atomkraftwerke in April 2023 for a response to Meiler. You start with the Preparation of the More Favorable Energy – considering the Atomkraft nachgewiesenermaßen everything else is favorable. The construction of nuclear power works is much more, we will lie the costs for your kilowattstunde deutlich über denen von Strom from erneuerbaren energie.

Atomausstieg Beschluss dates from the year 2011

The Union has started with the Ampelregierung, with the fully formed Atomausstieg de Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland being established – the coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP is now a Beschluss on the Bundestag 2011 which has left the Regierungszeit of the CDU and the CSU. In Germany there is a terminal for the radioactive Atommüll guitar, which has never appeared a year ago. If the results of this research are no longer stable, experts on an end bearing in the mid-years will be helped.

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