
New Artwork and Printable Literature!

New Artwork and Printable Literature!

On November 16, Martin Hammerschmid presented new Zeichnungen and Aquarelle, which were presented at various Life Drawing Sessions in Wien and at Reisen-entstanden. The literary association PODIUM has a portrait collection of Doris Kloimstein with Lyrik and Zeichnungen von her herausgegeben. The Erstlingsroman by Karin Leroch is an Urban Fantasy Horror film with humor.

Martin Hammerschmid – “Life Drawings 2024”. Akt – Porträt – Landschaft
Doris Kloimstein – “Von Pegasus bis Bocksfuß”. Lyrik. Podium Portrait No. 129
Karin Leroch – “Okeanos”. Mysterious horror. Roman. Trivocam Verlag 2024
Vernissage – Lecture – Buchpräsentatie – Ausstellung bis 8. Dezember 2024

In his images, Martin Hammerschmid shows the Darestlung of Emotions and the Augenscheinlichen. The effect is that there is a standardized and abstract effect that is not only connecting but also much more interesting. When the landscape watercolors are viewed, there is a great (light) stimulation. There is a good game with different styles and techniques, one of the players, the player in the uniform series.

Doris Kloimstein will be at the Podium-Porträt Nr. in September. 129 weighted. Herausgeberin is Erika Kronabitter, who lives by Barbara Neuwirth. Der 80. Geburtstag des Podium-Gründungsmitglieds Doris Mühringer war in the year 2000 Anlass, een Auswahlband ihrer Gedichte als Nr. 1 der Buchreihe Podium-Porträt herauszugeben. The Reihe will continue to work continuously.

Karin Leroch’s Erstlingsroman introduces teachers and teachers to one of the facets of biogenetic horror. If Jolanda Steve knows, it’s fascinating. There is a blending result and one of the Leidenschaft für Pflanzenzüchtungen is less good over time. If this uncanny Zwischenfälle is not true. Blumen end up in their own life. Tier and Pflanzenwelt shine at Steve’s Experiments in other areas. Zur gleichen Zeit bekommen Drogenfahnder Ferry Stark and die
forensic biologist Kim Lorenz from his service in the Auftrag, a new powerful Droge, who comes from the Kolumbian, before he does anything else. You can end up in a friendly world while you enjoy your time.

Kurz biography:
Martin Hammerschmid, born and raised in Salzburg, born in Vienna. If you take more photos or texts, it will be as if they are “normal”. After an international management career as a manager and angel investor. Hammerschmid used his creative page as a photo for the Salzburger Nachrichten and as a journalist in the Werbung aus. There is an absolute Kurse an der Sommerakademie in Zakynthos and in Vienna. War blessing of 2023 first Einzelausstellung in Vienna.

Doris Kloimstein, born and raised in Linz, writes every day in his literary and musical life (Geige); Studium in Vienna, Dr. phil.; Diplom-Erwachsenenenenbildnerin und zertifizierte Paarbegleiterin; Brotberuf bis december 2019: Pädagogische Mitarbeiterin in der Diözese St. Pölten; see Jänner 2020 freie Schriftstellerin (Lyric, Prosa and Theaterstücke), published in St. Pölten and Innsbruck.

Karin Leroch, born in Mödling, living in Vienna. Studierte 3 Jahre Übersetzer für English and Italian; since 2010 Schreibtschichten with fantastic, futuristic or skurrilem inhalation. 2015–2017 Besuch des Lehrgangs Schreibpädagogik des Berufsverbandes Österreichischer SchreibpädagogInnen (BÖS). Veröffentlichungen in Anthologien und Literaturzeitschrifts. 2016 Kurzroman “Die Saat”.

All three works are the best of the Vereins ::art project::.