
Kiff-Clubs in Bayern come together with Gras-Anbau

Kiff-Clubs in Bayern come together with Gras-Anbau

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Kiffen is legal in Bayern – it is not possible for an Anbau-Verein to exist, but the leadership of the Genehmungen is not true. In this way the clubs will have a financial problem.

In Hamburg, cannabis was celebrated in a Club
Cannabis-Ernte: De Anbauen der berauschenden Pflanzen in Clubs die here in Hamburg have been legal in Bavaria for the longest time – there is no one who has a Genehmigung. © Georg Wendt/dpa

On September 3, the paper began to fall into hand, on a monate-length gewartet hat. When the budget is described, there is a national debt with nice preventive measures. The 47-year-old is a broadcaster of the Cannabis Social Club Minga eV and thought: Jetzt can put an end to the losses with the Anbau. Don’t do it. Tuncer wartet – wieder final. “I’m so nervous,” he says.

The first debt was resolved 27 years ago

Owned by the Cannabis Clubs on July 1. Erwachsene sollen in het nichtkommerziellen Clubs with bis zu 500 Mitgliedern Cannabis anbauen and untereinander zum Eigenkonsum abgeben können. There can no longer be any legal question of a free state, nor of a lie about the obligatory debts. The sister country health care office (LGL) started the fair from September. The recovery did not affect the debt, the man was previously an art blaupause of the Federal Government for the debts that were absolutely unnecessary. They are also available for online workshops as well as a presentation seminar. The first debt has been completely resolved 27 times, it is a matter of speaking out. The Night Termine takes place at the end of October and early November in Würzburg and Munich.

Cannabis Social Club Minga eV heißt der Anbauverein von Erdinc Tuncer (r.) and Erdem Özkardaslar.
Cannabis Social Club Minga eV heißt der Anbauverein von Erdinc Tuncer (r.) and Erdem Özkardaslar. © Private

Erdinc Tuncer should report extra quickly that the war starts in the first round. There is an amount of 2900 euros for the anthracite or an amount of 600 euros for the debt burden and his own costs for the Präsenz seminar in Würzburg. Trotzdem is jetzt, when you get home, you no longer have any generic information, because there can be a hell of a lot of information. Viele E-Mails and LGL are in Leere, it says. There are hinge points. It is possible that you have a financial problem. If you spent the money on 180 meters of an all-in-one Lagerhalle in Forstinning (Kreis Ebersberg), 400 square meters of cannabis were sold for Clubmitglieder. Sechs Monate cannot reduce fixed costs or cause tragedies. “If the capital is expanded, the construction industry will realize woolen,” says Tuncer, from the personal service industry. “Unsere Mitglieder is really sour,” it says. Trotzdem must die in Notfall, nor bitten a little, Money in the Club of Schießen.

Jeder Club has received a final pro Quartal check

It may well be that the other club patrons have received an anthracite. Aktuell lie dem LGL 26 Anträge vor. The fault is now a Baustein in the general paint, the Anbau-Clubs continue more and more often. Before these grünes are treated lightly, it is possible that the Ministers of Health will face an unacceptable situation for the ort investments. Bisher would not be able to help LGL finance public finances – anyway, if it is not an Anbau-Generehmigungen company. The Genehmigungsverfahren in Bavaria is “on Prävention ausgerichtet”, the Minister of Health Judith Gerlach (CSU) in Vorfeld concreted. If any of the events occurred, it was a matter of time to exercise control because it was higher.

A “Pro Cannabis” demo has been planted on Marienplatz

Das LGL weist Vorwürfe, de Anträge würden verzögert bearbeitet, zurück. Die Behörde solle innerhalb von three Monaten nach Entgang aller Lowerlagen entscheiden. The Bearbeitungsdauer strongly depends on the quality of the Anträge ab. Trotzdem: Die Branche fühlt itself ausgebremst. In other Bundesländern, first Genehmigungen were prepared. The wollen sich Tuncer and sein Club have not fallen. Sie haben beim Landtag eine Petition eingereicht, Title: “Cannabisanbauvereinigung; “Beschwerde über Bearbeitungsdauer beim LGL Erlangen”. If you have done your own service, this is a good service. On October 26 you will find a demo “Pro Cannabis” at Marienplatz. Lately, Tuncer has become more likely.