
Volkertshausen: Democracy critical in Blick

Volkertshausen: Democracy critical in Blick

Volkertshausen – An unterhaltsamen Abend with Tiefgang hatte Christine Haus, Vorsitzende der Amateurtheatergruppe Pralka, for the premiere of the new Stücks on 15. Jahr des Bestehens der Gruppe versprochen. So come on over and come. For the premiere, the first dancers of the Einladung were followed in the Alte Kirche nach Volkertshausen. Was interrogated by Volkertshauser Bürgermeister Marcus Röwer in the position of the transmitter of the Vereins Alte Kirche Volkertshausen eV, who was knowledgeable about the Begrüßung der 120 Premierenbesucher.

The program includes the democracy parody “Herkules and the Stall des Augias”, one of the many plays by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Once the work started in the old era and started working in the 1960s, it could work. Who among the Schweizer authors is one of the hero mythos of voluptuous power and good humor in his Lächerliche see, is perfect in high time. So after four days, the Greek National Hero Herkules does not think that the Heldentat becomes the guardian in the financial prekärer situation. Sein Heldenmythos hat den Tiefpunkt erreicht. You can see that the Häuser and the world in the city park with young ladies are erwischt. If you register, the Bauer der Democratie will be eliminated and you will automatically be charged the national interest rates, at ihm. Seine Bitte: in de seineer Heimat gründlich ausmisten. Denn Elis crossed in the Mistzegener Kühe. Hercules stopped this start-up signal, making it low and unwanted. So if the English have seen the Geliebten Deianeira, one of the financial consequences of the low interest that the Angebot has produced.

In Elis it is a fact that Herkules organizes a bare party, while the fog has not started, like the arid Bürokratie. If you have a plan to lengthen the river through the city yourself, you have had the time. One of the representatives of democracy in parliament has never become a topic, as committees, parliamentary committees, parliamentary commissions and oberkommissionen, one of Herkules’s great plans to debate. According to the Motto: “In the elisischen Politik ist es nie zu spät, aber stets zu früh.”

If you are in financial business, it is important that you find that one of the most attractive attractions is kept. Anyone who is a herkulesaufgabe, but is not a linguist, will have less difficulty in offering Wochenende foutahren in the future. Pralka hat also as Amateur Theater Group the Anspruch, high quality abzuliefern. It is possible that the damage has become to the food. Under the direction of Ulrich Trommdorff, it is a group of gelungen, who can increase so much more Szene that the Grundbotschaft will be a large Umschweife in the übermitteln. If you use a larger kitchen or more lavish equipment, this is not a problem.

So the summary of the Augias remains: “Consider the great time, let’s take it into account. Ausmisten ist die Sache vaker Geschlechter. Politics is not good if that is not the case.” Der Appell an seinen Sohn lautet: “The wage is a wage and here as an independence of life, at the same time that things are different.” Ein Satz, der heute so current who in der Antike ist.

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Kartenreservierung: Theater Pralka, Christine Haus 07731 919329,, E-mail: [email protected]; Pre-purchase 12, Abendkasse 14 Euro. Karting for Konstanz K9 Kulturzentrum: