
“Sonny Boy” by Al Pacino: “Was my intellect alive, was it strong with energy”

“Sonny Boy” by Al Pacino: “Was my intellect alive, was it strong with energy”

“Was u, ist immer Ausdruck deiner selbst”: Einer wie Pacino fell Ichs in sich, die er abrufen und variieren, mit Beobachtetem connecting kann, and a few dieser Quellen offenbart is in seinem Buch (aber stets with a letzten Distanz, stets mit a portion of respect for food and drink). But it is always a form of the leitmotif, a leitmelodie for itself, Panic in the Needle Park(1971), een kommender Kult-Film, ließ ihn seine credibility on the street Fully live, the Kerle von der Straße, which is in the Theater and in the first film films played, must then be a large Transformation in the Michael Corleone von The Pate (1972) experience.

Al Pacino is not in a western game – see the man of great entertainment Revolution (1985) as Dekonstruktion der amerikanischen Gründungslegende ab; in most of the world the film is not the Weite der Landschaft der Vereinigten Staaten und Mitspieler, under the Enge der Stadt an ihn. Wenn man verstehen, Stadt was popular in the USA in the 1970s and 2000s, but man Pacino-Filme ansehen: Hundstadium eben, Serpico(1973), Cruising(1980), Carlito’s Road(1993), Heat (1995) – een fortlaufende Chronik von Macht und Gewalt in een engen, erhitzten Welt. Pacino brings the Bronx Gefühl with, while bringing an inheritance with as one, the signal Ruhm and signal Öffentlichkeit nur schwer umgehen kann. Van den schwierigkeiten, vom Alkohol und de Drogen loszukommen, ergährt der Leser von Sunny boy niece fell more like Pacinos Entschluss dazu. Statistics are therapy-deviant, for a while Pacino will remain in second place, as the severity increases, it will become a bourgeois variant of Woody Allen’s City neuroticker.

Al Pacino, so it seems, has in his life the happiness he has had, one day he will have his life, no one will have a good life (see the man of the perfect road traffic light) ; In the autobiography there is no mention of a sarcastic Wort-über-kollegen and -kolleginnen, registration and crew, all attack a certain distance between Gene Hackman and the Drehar-beiten zu Asphalt-Blüten(1973). Man is all fallen, sehr höflich ausgedrückt, “nicht auf einer Wellenlänge” (who with director Arthur Hiller at Dad, daddy, a comedy from the year 1982 in the family, the ansonsten Pacinos biographical feature film interest during the time he does). These feelings of love and love were, if they were separated, they were completely destroyed in their deeply melancholic life. Al Pacino hates his own language Maxime: “I am the most loved by all those who possess power.”

Pacino is alone

Was Pacino stattdessen immer fand, were Stellvertreter für den Vater, den nie hatte – jedenfalls so long, bis er selber in diese Rolle kam. Ansonsten aber bleibt Sunny boy (so am not after the Spitznamen, with the mumbling of the young life) weniger von Klatsch or Abrechnung bestimmt als vergleichbare Schauspieler-Bios. Pacino can get an idea of ​​Schauspielerei, played a certain role at the Living Theater of Lee Strasberg’s Actors Studio. Weniger als Einführung in een Methode – “Es gibt im Actors Studio keine Methode” – as during experimentation and experimentation.

Zweimal in the career war Al Pacino argued that the film should not last longer. It appears in the filmography of a few real Gurks – Al Pacino has been nominated for an Oscar as often as the best Oscar for a Golden Himbeere in his career as schlechtester Schauspieler. Ganz does not need Pacino’s book to make a plädoyer, the schauspielern in film production is more entitled to a creative process. It is German in the painted cases, while it is schauspieler, that a thing is not really fruitful, while the direction and production in the world disappear. If you would like to see some Schauspieler or Schauspielerinnen in your figures before production logistics are involved. Manchmal gelingt das, manchmal nicht. If it is not examined first (which a man knows is urgently needed), then it can lead to a serious catastrophe.

Who those Meisten Autobiographies is like Sunny boy price and style, so long is the child and youth of the authors; it is exciting and thrilling, where the inspiration of life and work was discussed, the great paradox of the schauspielerei, “that man is not wirklicht tut and is real ist”; and the book is so good and complete that you can enjoy life more.

Al Pacino, one of the Leinwand Rifles and sad, zwischen the “Hundeblick” (Originalton Pacino), with dem one who is still expensive, and der Explosion der Gewalt – dieser Al Pacino started one in the blessing
Biography as perpetrator, friend and self-critical guy. Ganz said it was one thing: “Was an Intelligenz-fehlt, mache ich durch Energie wett”. Pacino allergies have an existential problem: There is no specific problem, the fact is that it is on the Platz, before the room is turned out, when the stage is closed, when Glamor and Cheese are required. Al Pacino is not part of the trauma factory – and yet a bigger part of his life; there is a pipe in the Ruhm, under a pipe, if you dry winches.

On the Australian road it is worth helping the friends of Robert De Niro, the road from existential life to the professional schauspieler of life. So in general, a beach job is vergönnt, in Zusammenarbeit with Quentin Tarantino
(Once upon a time in Hollywood) or Ridley Scott (House of Gucci). Den Satz, other woolly characters, is a must, while Pacino himself can no longer manage the Drittel-signer-karriere. Al Pacino won’t say anything more. Nothing can happen.

Al Pacino: Sonny Boy; from the Engl. von Stephan Kleiner; Piper, Munich 2024; 397 S., €26.00