
A billion dollars for the WHO

A billion dollars for the WHO

Berlin. The World Health Organization has advanced the world’s interests more than one million US dollars more into the future by 2028. Diese Summe has the Mitgliedsstaaten and private Geldgeber am Montag beim Weltgesundheitsgipfel in Berlin zugesichert. About 300 million dollars were spent in the region of Gipfels. The WHO’s regular budget spends an amount of $3.5 billion in a year.

Deutschland received a financing round of 260 million euros from 2025 to 2028, with Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) contributing major financial support from the WHO. Soul, with the sisters, spend 40 million Leben weltweit zu retten in the next four years, like Scholz.

Now few countries spend a lot

Der Kanzler bedauerte, dass nur wenige Länder sich mit größeren Summen an der Aufstockung der Mittel beteiligten. There is a good chance that financing the WHO will create more debt. More new releases are possible. “If the Weltgesundheitsorganisation was leading, we would all benefit,” said Scholz.

The House of the Geneva Assembly would now run a Fünftel with the permanent Beiträgen of 194 Mitgliedsstaaten speceist. If the rest is voluntary through state and private expenditure, which, as a rule, is in favor, the money will become alone. Larger private funders of the WHO include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with an amount of 250 million euros in a year, all of which is best for polio eradication.

Gates: “best investment ever”

“The Commitment for the World Health Organization warrants the best investment,” says Bill Gates in Montag. Gleichwohl stürben nach wie for the pleasure of Millionen Kinder well-being, before the fun Lebensjahr is enough. The undisputed factor is not of the Wissenschaft, under the fehlende Geld. Gates make a “Zeitalter der Großzügigkeit”, a re-use order will be considered. There are children who go into debt and look to the future in their states.

Bereits im Vorfeld der Veranstaltung kan meer Länder and Staatenbünde bound 300 Millionen Euro zuätzlich sogesagt, darunter auch the European Union and the African Union. “Starke Gesundheitssysteme sollten überall die Regel sein”, said EU Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen.

The European Union, together with the WHO, invests in the declarations of the Health Structures. 75 Million Euro floss in a Technology Center in South Africa, in the mRNA-Impfstoffe for ärmere Länder regestellt würden. (off)