
Knowledge for Poland’s Asylplane Von dpa-AFX

Knowledge for Poland’s Asylplane Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Spitze der Unionsfraktion has a representation of the political plans for a forward bergehende exclusion of the rights to Asyl. When Moscow migrants arrived in a hybrid Kriegsführung and crossed the border into Poland via Russia and Belarus, the Asylum Right was imposed ad absurdum, by the Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsabgeordneten, Thorsten Frei (CDU), in Berlin. “It is a pure self-defense technique, which makes up for the political state every day.”

The rates of the ex-president of the European Union are getting higher and higher as the European Union prevents the integration with the Ankunft of Migrants will no longer stop working and Germany, here as negative prospects, such as free.

In the concrete of the CDU politician, the Union faction chief Friedrich Merz (CDU) became a factory exemption for the last time for the planted peace package of the Ampel Coalition for more inner Security activities. There is no Grund, die “schlechten Gesetzen” zuzustimmen.

The Polish government will take over Asyl’s legal protection. Sollte es dazu kommen, muss Warschau Gegenwind der EU-Kommission befürchten.

Frei gegen Drittstaatenlosung with the Westbalkan-Ländern

Frei schloss im Zusammenhang with the von der Union longen Regelungen für Asylschilderahren in sogenannten sicheren Sicheren Drittstaaten a Lösung with the Westbalkanstaaten aus. If the EU Beitrittscandidates Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Nordmazedonia and Kosovo, are considered as potential gold-plated Beitrittscandidates.

One of the Italian rules with Albania became no longer functional, but free for the EU or Germany. Nothing ever happened, the Italian signaler responsibility and the possibility of an Asylanträgen dafür-sorgen became that the Bewerber in his Herkunftsländer were zurückkehren. Vielmehr became Albania when “the Tore öffnen” and the migrants over the West Balkan Route to see everything after Germany. Italy wants to loosen the migration problem over Albania in Western Europe and Germany, Frei criticized.