
Ein Erdgeschoss zum Fluten | architecture.aktuell

Ein Erdgeschoss zum Fluten | architecture.aktuell

After all, an idyllically located Grundstück in Ahrtal was founded, beautiful a young Family Studio Hertweck with the realization of new Zuhauses. Entstanden is an architecture, which stands in the tradition of the Bauweise of Hofhäuser, the first in the Dorfern des Ahrtals where it was extensive, oriented and a focus on resilience and explained.

Home furnishings play a central role in architectural design. De Grundstück, een Baulücke inmitten hoch aufragender, freestehender Einfamilienhäuser, stellte Studio Hertweck voor de Herausforderung, Privatsphäre und een gewisse Distanz zur bereits available, denseen Bebauung zu kosten. The loss in the tradition of the traditional Hofhaus typology – one of the most widespread in the region, is that this structure in the Nachkriegszeit along an entwickelte passes his classroom, detached single family house. Statt that the architectural design of the architect Florian Hertweck von der Vergangenheit inspires and plants a Gebäude with a geschlossenen Innenhof, der sowohl Schutz as a private sphere. Ensure that this form of entrepreneurial community has a higher quality. While the large boundaries here require a high level of visibility, which means that the interior of the house can be used in a Hofhaus plan, it was possible to develop a harmonious quartier.

The HQ100 went out, the high washing machine with a wash cycle of once in 100 years after washing. It is a referenda, which becomes final standards in the high water area. If the Grundstück is above the HQ100-Zone – if we are away from the Ahr and the high waterproofing, we will consider the HQ100 for the Bauantrag as irrelevant. After seeing the architect’s views on the results of the beginning of the plans, the construction of the house was also possible, which resulted in the project being completed. Here you can bring the personal experience with a high washer into play – in a house in the Rhine, where the architect is considered a kind of overstepping. “If you stay at home when you play flute, you can paddle with your own boat during my childhood,” he said.