
Nieuw Gesetz opens our doors to higher open water areas

Nieuw Gesetz opens our doors to higher open water areas

Speziell the Werbeausgaben of the Federal Government are increasing significantly. 18.7 million. Euro in 1. Halfyear 2024 stehen here 8.3 Mio. Euro im 1. Halbjahr 2023 gegenüber. I had a friendly war with the Climate Protection and Energy Ministry with 4.9 million. Euro followed by the Verteidigungsministerium (2.6 million euros), the Justizministerium (2.1 million euros) and the Internal Affairs Ministry (1.8 million euros).

Auch bei der Stadt Wien (ohne Beteiligungen) says that there is a German Anstieg von 7,4 Mio. Euro up to 11 million. Euro. Das Land Oberösterreich raised 3.1 million. Euro, the Land Niederösterreich at 1.3 Mio. Euro. The Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (ohne Unterorganisationen) raised a total of 2.4 million. Euro, the Wirtschaftskammer Wien of 1.8 million. Euro. The Wiener Arbeiterkammer is worth approximately 2.1 million. Euro aus. The Australian courts include Linz AG (5.4 million euros), Wien Energie (4.4 million euros), Verbund AG (3.1 million euros) and the ORF (3.9 million euros). Euro).

The ORF is just beginning, as the workings of the stellar display take place. There is still 1. Halbjahr 2024 with 13.3 Mio. Euro an der Spitze der Werbeempfänger. For Google Ireland Limited, 7.8 million. Euro Ausgewiesen. Auch zu Meta (Facebook, Instagram) floss etliche Millionen (6.5 million euros). The new dates are german more money for TikTok aus. So the TikTok Technology Limited GmbH comes for 757,000 euros (1. Halfyear 2023: 158,000 euros). Spotify increases from 248,000 Euro.

Traditionell hoch sind die Werbeausgaben in Österreichs largest Boulevardmedien. The “Krone” (Krone Verlag and Krone Multimedia) comes to 6.9 million. Euro, “Heute” in form of AHVV Verlags GmbH for 3.3 million. Euro und die Mediengruppe Österreich GmbH (“Österreich”/oe24) for 3.4 million. Euro.

A pine “Standard” floss 4.1 Mio. Euro von öffentlichen Stellen, and the “Presse” with the “Kurier” 2.6 Mio. Euro. The “Kleine Zeitung” raised 2.9 million. Euro and Red Bull Media House for 1.7 million. Euro. Larger Werbeempfänger is with approx. 5 million. Euro auch die Gewista Werbegesellschaft, die sich auf Außenwerbung spezialisiert. The removal of products on the wall panels or the use of products – is the first report of the report. You can earn the “Bagatellgrenze” of 5,000 Euro.

With the renewal of the Medienkooperations- und -Förderungs-Transparenzgesetzes, the RTR will now be a Werbegeldflüsse aus. So said that it was wise to let the Klimaschutzministerium use the large Brocken seamer for plaque with used Epamedia (272,000 Euro). Dahinter next Buchungen bei Ö3 (218,000 Euro) and ORF 2 (167,000 Euro). The Defense Ministry invests daily in Werbung at “Österreich” bzw. “oe24” (266,000 Euro), “Heute” (221,000 Euro) and the Printausgabe der “Kleinen Zeitung” (184,000 Euro).

If the amount of the top-up exceeds half of the stake of 10,000 euros, some Werbesujets will be liquidated. No more than 36,500 applications have been received for the 1st half of 2024. For a campaign of 150,000 euros, a transparent message must be submitted, for a campaign of one million euros an analysis of the calculations is carried out. The Anzahl der reported Rechtsträger-verdreifachte sich nahezu auf 1,465.

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