
Über 40 Tote at Israeli Angriffen in Gazastreifen

Über 40 Tote at Israeli Angriffen in Gazastreifen

In Bani Suhaila in the east of the city of Khan, Younis becomes a human being when an Israeli Rakete’s house is hit. Also in Sabra, a province of Gaza City, three houses were exposed. Rettungskräften zufolge were salvaged, they were still lost in the Trümmern. Fun people were welcomed in the center of the Gaza Strip.

Under the leadership of the international rotting crosses in Gaza Strip, Adrian Zimmermann, the human being in the north of the Palestinian territory must fly, regardless of whether they are born. “The attention to intensive financing and evacuation in the north of Gaza is a family with unpredictable fear, the lust of fear, confusion and erschöpfung konfrontiert.” Viele Menschen, who convey Sick and Behinderte, the area of ​​the world, are under the Schutz des humanitarian Volkerrechten. The Israeli army is trying to convince the residents in the North that its Häuser will disperse and be brought into the southern Gaza Strip. If Palästinensische Angaben and the Vereinten Nationen will exert their support in the Gaza Strip, they will certainly be Ort.

In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military offensive is said to have been a year-long mental attack on 42,344 people. Mindestens 99.013 Palästinenser seien verletzt be, so the control is under the control of Hamas. Unter den Opfern seien auch reiche Frauen und Kinder.