
Thomas Gottschalk: Die wichtigsten Zitate seines new Buchs

Thomas Gottschalk: Die wichtigsten Zitate seines new Buchs

There is much more – and it is not more. In the book “Ungefiltert” Thomas Gottschalk writes about who is fremdelt: with the “Generation Z” and vermeintlichen Sprachverboten.

There is a great war – and it is no more. About 20 Millionen Zuschauer vermmelten sich vor dem Fernseher, when Thomas Gottschalk in Samstagabend in ZDF to “Wetten, dass..?” endlud. The war between the German TV channels: a bisschen gaga, a bisschen peinlich, not so much schlüpfrigkeit, who likes the moderator the weiblichen Stars and Sternchen, which is a legendary big sofa for a schüssel with gummibärchen grüste . Aber, das muss man ihm lassen: No one took the big Samstagabend-Show with a light-hearted light from the outside with their bright jackets together, but they were still better for generations to come. There is a war going on in the middle of Germany and so the war is a good thing. Jedenfalls hatten vale Menschen das Gefühl, that’s how it is.

Conversation with Frauke Ludowig: Gottschalk: "I will not rüberkommen as mürrischer, mauliger, alter Mann"

Gottschalk: “I will not rüberkommen as mürrischer, mauliger, alter Mann”

05:20 min

Vorbei, everything vorbei. Those times are different, so that the whole country will first be right. With “Ungefiltert” Gottschalk jetzt becomes a book for, while most people find others unsatisfactory – and who others befriend: Endlich says it is a bit. Anyway, we are nervous and nervous about everything, through Gendersprech with his “Work-Life-Balance”, from “Me Too” to his digital Wahnsinn. The work is 320 days long, through one of the eras of Alter’s melancholy, not an unheblicher Eitelkeit and, therefore, Gottschalk großen Wert: Zeile für Zeile von ihm self-made paint asst. Der Inhalt ensures that you make contact with the controversies. A bestseller will probably all be found. But was steht wirklich drin? This is where the most important passengers die.

Thomas Gottschalk über…

“The new generation is a Ruder and schafft is a safe, that is a matter of a means of power and an alternative to the head of the head and choosing a working time that continues and expands into the future of the world.”

“I am currently a proud generation of the generation and that of Generation Z, which umkrempelt the labor market. If the Grundsatz has become larger, the “Lehrjahre keine Herrenjahre” is one of the most common problems that this Altersklasse has, which has a dehydrated is Work-Life-Balance is becoming increasingly important.”

“It is true that I did not enter the Sinn, made a sabbatical, spent a time, the man is so young, one of the times I saw to regenerate and heal and cook in the Einklang that I brought We died Innere Balance in the 2CV is a real shock and has no yoga experience.

… the universal twins of Jung and Alt:

“Whatever the generation of the ‘Digital Natives’ is, the answers to all the fragments are becoming more and more convenient in the bag as they do, the generation verstehen, from their zugde wurde, die in kurzen-snakes or with braided Zöpfen on Bauernhöfen and Abenteuerspielplätzen gross zijnt und Sandburgen gebaut hat?”

… other, white men:

“Not all, was another white man of his own, is still alone but unsinn, man sollte fellmehr bei all, who report themselves zu Wort, sei es im Netz or sonst wo, a Look at that Person werfen.”

… Frauen, “Anbaggern” and Herrenwitze:

“Those idiots, no woman is so petrified, whoever is mean will become more and more. And the Machos, supported by testosterone, no longer became extraterrestrial, now that the end of humanity is of the same importance.”

“In my Falle hat man mich zum peinlichen Urvater des Herrenwitzes (in dieser Causa bekenne ich mich eeniniger Ausrutscher guilty, die mir heute so nicht more rausrutschen würden) and of the öffentlichen Antatschens gemacht, der sich für keine Peinlichkeit zuschade ist und seine weiblichen Go to the television on TV and watch the house and the children’s law on TV about a broader power or rapid development.’

Book cover the new titles by Thomas Gottschalk

Gottschalk’s new Buch appears on 16. October in Heyne Verlag, 24 Euro

© Heyne

“Would you like to have a relationship with your friends? If your desire is ultimately limited, and it is a postponed time, you can flirt with a fernseh show in an attempt to leave your fortress.”

…Spachverbote and Tabuthemas:

“If Kritik immer Teil meines Lebens war, I react naturally and not at all, wenn man mir den Mund verbieten will. I will say, I was thinking and stopped with the Americanern, which manchmal beteuern: ‘He is so wrong , but he’s still my friend.’

“If Schreiben dies, mir still die Befürchtung in de Quere: Can one have “neither legends” and can one man be “such” legends? Could you die or jene possibly be interpreted differently, as a war? That is it bei Kreativen gefürchtete te Schere im Kopf nicht weit.”

“If the Weihnachtsfeier in the German Kita meines singles nicht stattfinden kan, een Muslim Kinder nicht zu brüskieren, it can be most useful to talk through, about and who the Kinder Allah’s and the Kinder des Christlichen Gottes zeeammen Weihnachten feiern sollten. Het is possible that a Muslim celebration will be made possible (…) I can no longer believe that another room will no longer believe.’

…of gender:

“I am so satisfied with the gender as well as the Möglichkeit, my own Geschlecht, a positive outcome, I was able to pass on my time, for a writing based on my knowledge, I was able to respond to the general direction of the work. If the gender is in which subject, nothing at all is done on the Nebenkriegsschauplatz, so that man cannot be nachvollzogen at all.”

“(…) I was really happy, wenn man my (…) there is no reaction, no reaction is possible, but there is also flexibility and gender flexibility. I am completely happy with the gender Offenkunde Problem, dass Frauen in unserer Gesellschaft benachteiligt zijn, nicht an der Wurzel gepackt wird (…) Der Mehrzahl der Frauen hilft das auf diesem Weg keinen Millimeter further.”

…Conservatismus als Lebensgefühl:

“I am in my opinion, man is therefore conservative, weil man not everything neu muss. Es gibt Denkmuster, von denen man sagt, die habe ich so erlebt and für richtig befunden, die übernehme ich einfach. Es ist veldleicht das Vorrecht der Jugend “Things are new to thinking, but we are also used to it.”

… Shitstorm in Netz:

“Mit Namen hatte ich es noch ni. If the name of a Nationalspielerin des deutschen Fraußballteams nicht korrekt auf dem Schirm habe, it will be as soft as Frauenverachtend ausgelegt. Vom entsetzten Publikum wohlgemerkt. Da reichen schon ein, zwei böse Commentare, um in the social media of an Avalanche.”

… signals surprising Ruhm:

“Der kuschelige Fernseh-Samstagabend hat weitgehend ausgedient. Es gibt das Fernseh-Sofa nicht mehr, auf dem sich die Family at 20.15 Uhr zuammenfand. Man would inzwischen nicht nur am Tag, sondern auch am Abend getrennte Wege.”

“I have amassed 20 million followers in Samstagabend. I have often reached 100,000 followers on Instagram, we are untypical for another pocket I have, if a young Leute still follows at all.”

“I would certainly pass in the context of the attitudes of the prominent figures of the stars, but they would not be as good as the standstill, if everything was there, there was a foundation for it, since such thinking began, it was necessary to let this happen so that they would be able to stand by it Although it is another night, it is not that it has only been a few weeks, that this time lasts for a while and continues in the first phase of an erased period, while it lasts longer or lasts longer I walked behind her, I am a poor community in the morning and sad in the Gestern.’

“Jeden Tag versichern mir Menschen, who is the seriousness of my nehmen, and a Arzt hat me first kürzlich, before mir Blut abzapfte, dafür gefeiert, that I seiner Meinung nach ‘Fernsehgeschichte’ geschrieben habe. Aber bei these Mann ließen ich die gray Schläfen there is nothing more to worry about.

“It is not (…) that you will not be able to accept it, because the man is still in the saddle, because the black mold is a piece of cake, but you will still be able to cope with it.”

…signal Verhältnis zum Alter:

“If I start working with the boats, it is possible that the final destination is, here we write a message Frust von der Seele, there in Wirklichkeit damit hadert, thats not more so ​​st, who is ultimately war and of the klgt “There’s nothing more than that, it was a bad war, which never made a mistake, but the whole world of changes and the zügige Ausgemustertwerden lasted a bit self-consciously.”