
Nahost: UNRWA chief warns of winter hunger in Gaza

Nahost: UNRWA chief warns of winter hunger in Gaza

The chief of the UN-Palästinenserhilfswerks UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, has warned against a further display of the humanitarian low in Gaza Stripes. I studied Winter Drohten Hunger and Mangelernährung in the Palästinensergebiet, like Lazzarini at a press conference in Berlin. Dabei sei dies vermeidbar: “Hungry in Gaza is a work of art.”

Let’s see if there are any few Hilfskonvois in den Gaza stripes When we are all in the North of the Regions, the time is very intensive. Kämpfe becomes, it says. If we look at the situation of the children in Gaza, this is extremely dangerous, we can leave the Abwaters and Mülls. Viele Kinder en Jugendliche seien durch de Krieg traumatisiert, 600.000 Schulkinder did not take any photos.

Zur Frage, inwiefern Israel absichtlich Hunger in Gaza erzeuge, wollte sich Lazzarini nicht äußern. Zur Frage, van de Israeli army in Gaza, Kriegsverbrechen or zogar een Genozid, ververstand van de UNRWA chief op de International Criminal Court in The Hague, in person with prior consultations.

Warning for Auflösung der UNRWA

German criticism of UNRWA’s Lazzarini Plane des Israeli parliaments in the occupied Palestinian territories. Lazzarini warned of a problem and the bedeutung of the Nahen Osten-hinaus. Sollte is gelingen, the Hilfswerk from the region of the drängen, can his different fear of UN institutions otherwise wiederholen, there warn. The UN Mitgliedsstaats ensure that their political and financial support for Hilfswerk continues.

Lazzarini is aware of the low in Lebanon, where Israel Wochen has received the Hisbollah-Soul fear. Hunderttausende are prepared in the South of the Landes. The Zahl of Toten during the young struggle in Israel and Hisbollah rule became higher in the Lebanon Krieg of 2006, like Lazzarini. If a friend has a live-employment opportunity in Lebanon, a “tiefe Verängstigung” has arisen. Many people thought that the Zukunft would “lead Lebanon into a new Gaza world.” The UNRWA is in the country with the attack of Schutzunter, who insults all seien – for palästinensische Flüchtlinge benso who for Lebanese and Syrer in Country.

UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) is the main international refugee organization for Palästinens in Gaza, West Jordan, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. You can rely on other Gesundheitseinrichtungen and Schulen. One of the organizations is critical. Israel has the UN Hilfswerk in Gaza make a trip through Hamas for. Mindestens 19 UNRWA-Mitarbeiter – fell van ihnen für das Hilfswerk tätige Lehrer – sollen nach israelischen Angaben am Überfall from Hamas on Israel from 7 October 2023 onwards. Which Geldgeber of the UNRWA in Germany is on the path of tort. The pro-Israeli law Schweizer Nichtregierungsorganisation UN Watch wirft etlichen weiteren UNRWA-Beschäftigten voor, das Hamas-Massaker vom 7. Oktober 2023 gefeiert en humanitarian Hilfe for the palästinensische Zivilbevölkerung abgezweigt zu haben.

Lazzarini said that on March 19, the Israeli government had conducted an internal negotiation in half of the cases, which did not promise a settlement in the Hamas-Massaker. Ermittlungen zur others Halfte seien “uneindeutig” verlaufen, een beteiligung dieser beitering am überfall auf Israel könne nicht ausgeschlossen. Lazzarini is confident that all 19 charges will be seen overnight. Part of being inaugurated in the Gaza Strip will become part of it being found in Israeli Gewahrsam.

Hilfswerk with neutrality problem

The Vereinten Nationen hate in response to the previous one unnoticed subordinate sauceschuss eingesetzt. This work is carried out in April’s “Problem of Neutrality.” Australian Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna spoke about other political issues of UNRWA-Mitarbeitern and the loser of a political venture on the Hilfswerk. Colonna verwies zudem auf conscious Inhalte in Lehrbüchern von UNRWA-Schulen.

Bereits previous years are said to have had anti-Semitic and terrorist aggrandizement in the Lehrbüchern, which were due to UNRWA-related debts in Gaza zum Einsatz. Siege for a systematic undertaking of the Hilfswerken by the Hamas organization and the Untersuchungskommission nach eigen Angaben aber nicht.

Lazzarini said UNRWA was intensively instructing 15 Empfehlungen des Colonna-Ausschusses. It is a fact that Fortschritte arose, as with the overprüfung of Mitarbeitern. Zu den Schulbuch-Vorwürfen said: “Die Lehre von Antisemitismus in unseren Klassenräumen hat absolut keinen Platz.” UNRWA would have great difficulty today if it confronted them.