
Is the care for a housing faction?

Is the care for a housing faction?

Munich. There is a regularity of things that is wise: the head of the Veränderungen in the Gesundheitssystem is never the Politik – when it comes to self-determination, says the Gesundheitsunternehmer Professor Heinz Lohmann. On the 23rd Europäischen Gesundheitskongress in Munich, a Podium der Frage nach “Gute Gesundheitsversorgung – kaal een Frage des Wohnorts?” was moderated. Go to the Redner in Italy and in Switzerland.

Lohmanns This: Modern medicine with healthcare can pass individual treatment, often minimally invasive, outpatient eingriffs and a rascheren generation, is no longer possible in general settings.

“Treatment care home care”

Signal Ansatz: “Wir müssen complex Medizin an weniger Orten zammenbringen. If you have the opportunity to start, do so with your attention and the handling of your home if you are shy.” Kurzum: Wolle man hinderen, dass in Zukunft die Wohnorte der Menschen über ihre Chancen in Gesundheitssystem entdifferent, brauche es changes Structures. If the outpatient institution has a bedeutung, go to the Blick über de Landesgrens.

Dr. Peter Indra, head of the Public Health Office in Zurich, is no longer in Switzerland, which has a strong community organization on the periphery, under the Atlantic Ocean. Canada knows with the “Health Canada Act” a manifesto of a Daseinsvorsorgeauftrag, which is in this respect: For all citizens, the provision of common health care must be an issue, or it is a higher cost item. Gelöst became a problem, among other things, with flying ambulances, bringing a medicine to the patient.

Fehlende Zuwanderung strengthened Fachkräftemangel

And who is the Low in the Swiss Periphery? Güter und Einrichtungen der Gesundheitsversorgung sind laut Indra nur noch schlecht erreichbar; It is possible to walk with the child labor in the country, the demographic walk through one of the development tunnels of child labor in child practices, which in another alternative lifestyle encounters a higher morbidity in a new mobility mobility. In fact, the Versorgung auf dem Land pro Kopf deutlich teurer as in others Gegenden bei ähnlichen Versorgungsverhältnissen.

Is it possible that the land regions cannot hinder their versorgungspampa? If Schweiz has an integrated service in the network, the Hub-and-Spokes system is generated: Medically complex or infrastructure-intensive Leistungen are supplied in the Zentrum (Hub); the different sides of the spokes represent the hub of the general organization itself. If the Schlussselfaktoren for Gelingen gets a Zielvision, the digital representation and a functional patient file, the Einsatz of Telemedizin, an Investition in peripheral interdisciplinary Gruppenpraxen, the Aufbau of Gesundheitskompetenz among the Citizens is a Kompetenz-Shifting in the Gesundheitsberuf nl.

“Auf dem Land leben die kranken”

Italy introduced a Mental Health Reform Act in 2015, with Dr. Thomas Schael, General Director of Sanitätsbetriebs ASL 2 in Lanciano Vasto Chieti erläuterte. The Bettenzahl would be reduced to 3.7 hours per day, about 200 other Krankenhäuser including many Notaufnahmen schlossen. In Italian it comes from the native Sauerländer dazu: “Those young people see more, who live in rural areas. On the coast there are also dying people and there are chronic patients in the country.”

The idea is now, in the national memoranda and medical care centers, one of the health care options. In theory, the flow of patients would then no longer function properly. It is all possible that you can find anything at all in the states of the region that are woolen.

Who will solve the problem in the Province of Chieti, for the responsible zeichnet? 279 Allgemeinmediziner verilen sich dort auf 8 Bezirke. Black quickly becomes one of the Pharmacies, which answers the most Hausärzte in the city. The Generaldirektor factory is now the Eröffnung of 15 MVZ, four davon sollen 24 Stunden lang rund um the Uhr geöffnet signal.

After you have received 13 ambulances as a small service point, the main characters of Pflegern are helped, aber with Hausärzten telemedicine networked since. “Der Hausarzt does not come in the Ort, there were more to come as we regret it. After the e-instufung in the tandem from the Pflege and Arzt has been completed. If all goes well, go to the Facharzt-eingebunden, Schael conkretisiert. “Telemedizin is not a solution without a medium,” said Dr. Thomas Schael. (microphone)