
I am Fokus: Kinder en Jugendliche

I am Fokus: Kinder en Jugendliche

Wenn the Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) said: “There is no health without mental health – Es gibt keine Gesundheit ohne seelische Gesundheit” gilded dies in particular Maß for Children and Youth. Seelian broader standkraft and mental health care are urgently needed to lay the foundation for your new business and your späteren Lebensweg. But the mental analysis of the problems can be solved. The consequences of the Corona pandemic have been affected by 18 children and youth of mental attacks, so they are also affected by four symptoms of psychological problems. Prevention and Hilfsangebote are also not that important.

When you are a young child with the rising interests of your life, the war is not even a fact. This means that the great Leistungsgesellschaft with its begleiterscheinungen in all Lebensbereichen schon before the Corona pandemic the pressure on Heranwachsende erhöht. There are cases of psychological problems with anxiety disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHS), depression, anxiety disorders with self-absorption or similar illnesses that are not common for the outbreak of Covid-19. But the pandemic with the social life of children and youth in the heaviest gravitating world of the seasoned maßnahmen that the üblichen longschritte erschwert bis fast unmöglich gemacht. When the crisis started in Ukraine, inflation and the energy crisis broke through, it became increasingly clear that the consequences of the crisis in Gaza would increase if you take a different story and an extra critical look at the unsafe all-tags and their use of it, it is childish and young. If you fly out of the Kriegsgebiet, this is often a post-traumatic attack.

When the pandemic emerges from the childish and youthful world, a complete collection of subordinates and studies is in front of it, which are not separated from each other in the methods, the Schwerpunkten and the Ergebnissen. The tenor is stimulated: the mental tension of children and young people has increased during the pandemic and in disinterested conditions in the class presentation. This is what they say about the schulbasierte Fragebogenstudie “Präventionsradar” van de Krankenkasse DAK-Gesundheit. He went to the Schuldjahr 2016/2017 in the Sekundarstufe I over the years. In the Institute for Therapy and Health Research (IFT-Nord) in 14 Bundesländern, an investigation has taken place that DAK has defrauded 23,000 Schülerinnen and Schüler in Schuljahr 2023/2024 and has been on the “Präventionsradar 2024” at the Ergebnisse level. Sie sind alarmierend: “Die Situation der Schulkinder in Deutschland verschlechtert sich”, so die DAK in een Pressemitteilung vom 12. August die Jahres. “If the half messages of Erschöpfung, quickly a Drittel von erhöhter Einsamkeit. Viele Jungen und Mädchen have Schlafprobleme, Kopf-, Rücken- or Bauchschmerzen.’ The Anteil der unter mindestens zwei Beschwerden pro Woche leadingden Kinder sei in the past years a foursome on 46 Prozent risen. Also, three of the children’s children were plagued by their fears. Krisenangste und Einsamkeit concernträfen under Jungen und Mädchen with social schwachem Familienhintergrund, so de DAK continues. In children and young people, the depressive symptom can be much worse.

AUch Die ende 2022 Veröffentlichtlichtfte fünfte Befragung der copsy-studie war zu dem ergeBnis Gekaven, dass im harmful en Verhältnissen – also Solchen MIT weniger gebildeten Eltern, in people’s lives or with migration sintergrund – gefährdeter sei as the children with disruptive Rahmenbedingungen. The Copsy-Studie (een Wortbildung aus Corona und Psyche) of the Forschungsabteilung Child Public Health at the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf will continue in 2020 with child and youth care in Germany, the Auswirkungen der Pandemie on the enormous Gesundheit nach. Fest Steht: Here is the pandemic that had a Brennglas attack and solved the best problem, nor a German problem. During the past two years, the global health of children and youth will be worse, and we are aware of the fact that August is a renowned medical organization and the Lancet and a European Commission for International Experts. In a Burn Letter it becomes clear that the situation of another person, a social issue or political polarization of leading children and young people, is no longer for this self-sufficiency, but also for the entire society. While Fortentwicklung is located on the old Heranwachsenden, this is a problem. There is a psychological disorder due to the desire and soul-righteous care and treatment of matters that are urgent in nature, so the Commission. On my Ergebnisse and the DAK-Präventionsradar 2024, the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists (BPtK) will in a press conference on August 22, 2024. The Kammer tries to tell, “Verstärkt Maßnahmen zur Prävention and zur Versorgung von Kindern and Jugendlichen with maximum Erkrankungen zu ergreifen.”

In 2023, the Federal Ministry of Health launched the model project “Mental Health Coaches” and more than 100 schools. Under the Motto “Sagen was ist – tun was hilft” work since a year of success from the social pathology, social work and psychology and schooling ab der Sekundarstufe. first contact recovery. Heats are also a good way, but it can’t happen anymore. If you want to buy more therapies, therapy in the early years can pose a risk to total healthcare treatment. Ina Berwanger
