
FC Bayern Basketball: Erholung von the “Totengräbern”? Jetzt bowls “Babys” from Paris

FC Bayern Basketball: Erholung von the “Totengräbern”? Jetzt bowls “Babys” from Paris

Munich/Belgrad – Bye-bye! Mist, glide mal fehlerhaft looselaid. Bienvenue writes about the Motto, under the Donnerstag at the Basketballern of FC Bayern Steht. The French Euroleague-Neuling Paris Basketball comes to Antrittsbesuch in the SAP Garden (8:45 PM/MagentaSport).

If it is his goal, the Bayern will urgently suffer a loss like this article and that will happen itself in the Euroleague. Who was Panathinaikos Athen (79:94), Bayern was working at 78:86 (32:49) at Partizan Belgrade with his Spielhälfte quick chance.

From FC Bayern in the Loch der “Totengräber” of Belgrade

Vor grimer Kulisse der “Grobari” – the fans of Partizan sich die “Totengräber” – lost of the FCBB from the Faden is part of the defensive battle and can be one of the Three Lines heiß sweet. After 16 minutes, Bayern were down with 20 Zählern zurück.

FCBB Coach Gordon Herbert, after Niels Giffey on his second small forward Vladimir Lucic (Muskelprellung) acquired a must, said about his game: “We are in a big hole.” Dazu die “unglaubliche Atmosphäre”, in der es “schwer” sei, zurückzukommen – die Bayern im Loch der “Totengräber”!

Geschäftsführer Marko Pesic und der FC Bayern Basketball wirtschaften sparsamer als beisplayweise van kommende Gegner Panathinaikos Athen or dessen Rivale Olympiakos Piräus.

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A real basketball fan: Bayern President Uli Hoeneß.

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Niels Giffey played the FC Bayern Basketball in the following games.

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Was Herbert freute: Signal Team was able to see each other in the Direction Oberfläche, kam auf eight Punkte (23. Minute) bzw. sieben Punkte (35. Minute) ran. When he competed with ex-Bayern star Isaac Bonga, he got into a fight in the stands – the Schippe ended up at the Bayern Hofnungen. There is a war in Loch that has come to an end.

Paris-Trainer stachelte seine Men en: “Ihr seid Babies”

“Bond Ours is a game, in which we will play,” said Herbert with Blick auf Paris am Donnerstag. Sein Gegenüber Tiago Splitter hat die Tricks raus: Vor der Dienstagspartie gegen Champion Athen meinte er z inen Spielern: “Panathinaikos ist 106 Jahre alt, ihr sechs Jahre. Ihr seid Babies.”

Athens empty Messages that weigh heavily an English Schiedsrichterfehlers Protest ein – but der Sieggrund für Paris (84:80) was tatsächlich in Blitztempo der Franzosen. The Bayern also has everything else like a baby-leichte Aufgabe. Herbert Fordert: more aggressive representation!

Ps: Please note that we are welcome at your place of business – please refer to the service: At Paris stehen with Maodo Lo (angeschlagen) and the Big Men Michael Kessens and Leon Kratzer three Deutsche im Kader! Beim bayerischen Servus cann man fast keine Böcke reinhauen – ein Heimvorteil. Who is on the court: Those who do the SAP Garden are watching the FCBB during the coup against Real Madrid. . .