
WDH/Weniger Bestellungen bij Lieferando-Mutter Just Eat Takeaway From dpa-AFX

WDH/Weniger Bestellungen bij Lieferando-Mutter Just Eat Takeaway From dpa-AFX

(Klarstellung im zweiten Satz: July to September).

AMSTERDAM (dpa-AFX) – Kunden der Lieferando-Mutter Just Eat Takeaway (LON:) has written an abstract Quartal deutlich weniger bestelt noch vor einem Jahr. In the month of July to September you can buy the entire orders for a turnover of 211.1 million, which is the contact person of Delivery Hero (ETR:) in the Mittwoch in Amsterdam. Neben Great Britain and Ireland are located in the entire Northern Europe segment – in that region Just Eat Takeaway is expanding into the market in Germany. These Orders in Nordeurope went a bit further. Analysts have an opinion about the advantage of fast product delivery.

Konzernweit rutschte der Bruttotransaktionswert (gross transaction value, GTV) is an amount of 6.3 billion euros ab. Here you will find an industry expert who has more experience. Konzernchef Jitse Groen will look forward to seeing you again in the years to come.

So the Just Eat Takeaway for 2024 continues with a great recovery for Zinsen, Steuern and Abschreibungen (Ebitda) from 450 million euros to 324 million in one year. They are constant business transactions and one of the critical North American segments that carry out the gross transactions are two of the best products. A piece of clothing for the US-Lieferdienst Grubhub hat Groen op de Monaten noch gefunden.