
Philippsburger Bürgermeister asks for Atommüll-Endlager – Baden-Württemberg

Views of the plants Transports of four Castoren mit Atomabfällen nach Philippsburg (Kreis Karlsruhe), the Bürgermeister can put an end to the end bearings. «Der Prozess has not been shoved on the Sankt-Nimmerleins-Tag, will find an end to an Endlager», said Stefan Martus (parteilos). “Das Ganze bis zum Tag X cannot be the correct Ansatz signal.”

At the end of the years, the letzten will be found in France after the radioactivity of the Brenn elements from the German atomic kraftwerken has ended, while the Zwischenlager Philippsburg will be singled out. A deadline for transport has never become mandatory. The project is a major source of information for energy companies EnBW and the BGZ Gesellschaft.

Martus referred in his investigation to a claim at the Verwaltungsgerichtshof (VGH) Baden-Württemberg, because he had the general terms and conditions for a lower goal from Castoren. The geopolitical security battle has spent the years in the direction of the Rathauschef. The cover in the form of a new shape is getting better and better. General terms and conditions do not apply.

Gerichtsentscheidung steht aus

It is not that it becomes radioactive from the Castors from the east, like Martus. One of the Sicherheit is a small Zweifel. The mayor can increase the safety of cooking in the Blick and the new panzerbrechende Waffen as beispiel.

Der VGH will have a speech in the Laufe des Novembers entscheiden (Az. 10 S 1555/24). Sollte die Einlagerung in Philippsburg unrechtmäßigt be informed, could be the follow-up for the Transport.

Ability to respond

Franz Wagner vom atomkritischen Bund der Mürgerinitiativen Mittlerer Neckar has done everything he can to ensure that the Klage has small hereditary redoubts. «Der VGH hat bisher fast immer atomfreundlich entschieden», erklärte there.

Von dem Transport set out with a big fear of risks. “Man would be a nachvollziehen, if it is a wandering concept,” said Wagner in Bezug on a fehlendes Endlager. “It’s a transport from a false Platz A to a false Platz B.” The Atomkraftgegner wollen am 9. November in Philippsburg and Karlsruhe demonstrates.

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