
More than 5,200 study and student loans at KIT

More than 5,200 study and student loans at KIT

(openPR) See the first semester in the livestream below:

“Die Lehre is one of the central elements of KIT, which has spent more than 22,200 studies in the KIT family. Bereits im Studium has carried out the study that has an interesting study, in exciting projects and projects for urgent joint recovery with its own idea of ​​​​the development,” said Professor Jan S. Hesthaven, Chairman of KIT. “I have completed more than 5,200 studies and experiences at KIT. For a new life, I would like to begin with a good life.”

44 Bachelor and 59 Master studies at KIT

The first half of the year at KIT will be in the winter semester 2024/2025, with a minimum of 5,200 students studying the relationship between 22,200 and 22,200 (as of: 16.10.2024). An investigation and further investigation have no longer started, the foundation for study statistics started on November 30. I have completed a KIT study of 44 Bachelor and 59 Master studies.

Student Engagement is KIT

The start of KIT is one of the other organizations that organize the Orientation Phases, the O-Phases, before the semester starts. Zum abwechslungslungsreichen Campusleben – von Kultur über Sport bis Politik en veldem more – tragen die more as 90 Hochschulgruppen des KIT bei. For your special involvement in those matters in the Faculty and the Allgemeinen Studierendenausschuss (AStA), you will find the KIT survey into the first semester understanding.

„How to Ersti“: YouTube tips for study and study purposes

In a video series that contains study results from the KIT fragment of study start – these study results could be found or it was a study portal that found them. If you have any tips for learning, from the Freizeitgestaltung at KIT, from Leben in Karlsruhe or from the Arbeiten in the Studium.

“KIT – Therefore”: That study was KIT’s special power

Was the Special at KIT and was it worth studying KIT, said the new video series “KIT – That’s Why” in the nice comments of the themes Energy, Mobility, Campus, Digitalization of Nachhaltigkeit and Climate.

Zur Videoreihe „KIT – That’s why“:

If you want to start your studies, you can quickly use the KIT service and management information on the postcard catalog “Infos zum Studienstart” while you are following the first semester of study.

Information stand in the Foyer des Audimax

Verschiedene Einrichtungen des KIT, Hochschulgruppen und Partners inform from 5:00 PM onwards a Standing in the Foyer of the Audimax anyway ab Veranstaltungstag digital below about the concerns and support for the processing. You can rely on KIT’s campus collection – new sweatshirts and t-shirts, night socks are fun and practical for studying. All items are below erhaltlich.

KIT backpack for first semester students

Students and students can use the KIT-Rucksack zum Vorzugspreis online Order now and be on Welcome Day on October 24, 2024 from 9:30 AM in the Foyer of the Audimax at the South Campus of KIT.

Online file with information about the research in Studium

Study organization, Beratungs- und Mitmachangebote, Wohnungssuche oder sporting and cultural activities: Um nicht de Überblick zu verlieren, bundles the Dossier “Start ins Studium at KIT” which provides information about the first semester and compact under

Program of the first semester of 2024 of KIT

Donnerstag, October 24, 2024, 6:00 PM
Audimax, Straße am Forum 3, Gebäude 30.95, Campus Süd des KIT – and digital im Livestream

5:00 PM

Beginning of the Ausstellung in the Foyer

5:45 p.m


6:00 PM

Eröffnung der First semesterbegrüßung

KIT Big band

Begrüßung by the Präsidium

“Excellent Research, Learning and Innovation – Studieren am KIT”
Professor Jan S. Hesthaven, chairman of KIT

Grußwort der Stadt Karlsruhe
Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz, Erste Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Karlsruhe

Grußwort des AStA
Sascha Gruber, Vorstandsvorsitzender des AStA

KIT Big band

Lehre am KIT kurz erklärt“
with Professor Alexander Wanner, Vizepräsident Lehre and academic Angelegenheiten

Professor in Anne Koziolek, KIT-Studiendekanin Wirtschaftsinformatik und Informationswirtschaft

Professor Barbara Deml, Vorsitzende Prüfungsausschuss KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau

KIT in two minutes: “Knowledge for new studies at KIT”

Zentrale Studienberatung, KIT-Bibliothek, Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, International Students Office, AStA, Studium Generale. Forum Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, House of Competence, Academy for Responsible Research, Education and Innovation

Auszeichnung von herausragendem studentischem Engagement
Professor Alexander Wanner, Vizepräsident Lehre and academic Angelegenheiten

Moderation: Ina Kruwinnus

clear consultation partner:
Dr. Sabine Fodi, Pressereferentin, Tel.: +49 721 608-41154, E-mail: E-mail