
These Zürcher Bars have a high quality from Hocker

These Zürcher Bars have a high quality from Hocker

With a cocktail or a beer in hand, the best man is ready for a long working day or a hot meal during the week. Zurich’s Bars are great for jeden Geschmack etwas. How a Reihe von Bars in Zurich tested, with a large amount of brilliant glasses and unparalleled guarantees.

1. Kesslers Club Social

Kesslers Club Social in Zurich-Altstetten (Bild: zvg)

Der Kesslers Club Social, at Baslerstrasse 149, with a large bar, where all guests can come and visit. The Bar is a Treffpunkt, the Menschen nach Altstetten lockt, a lonely Location in one of the undisputed Stadtteil zu entdecken.

Ihre Hauptspezialität is Cocktails with a special composition: “Mixing the international with the local”. Include Kesslers on seasonal menus and most of your own creations or classics with a Kesslers Twist.

Der Höhepunkt finds a turn in an exciting atmosphere at Kerzenschein-statt. Unterstrichen wird er vom Slogan “This Must Be the Place”, der nicht nur and der Wand prangt, sonondern uch die overzeugung an der edlen Bar ist.

Von Banker über hipster bis zum Urzürcher – the bar’s motto is: «It is the place to be for good times.» From the Konkurrenz has sich der Kesslers Club Social due to the high level of service that the personal Austausch ab. People know the stay and the care, but this seriousness is great and the care is good.

2. James Joyce Bar

James Joyce Bar (Image: zvg)

The James Joyce Bar, with its central floor, now a few minutes from the Bahnhofstrasse and the Hauptbahnhof, is the modern meeting place for those who enjoy safe burgers, first-class wine and delicious conversations. Here is an Irish tradition with a combination of Zürcher Dandy-Style.

With this range and twine products there is peace and quiet: From Barolo über Riesling to his champagner – he will find a stew from Auswahl a wine in the offensive schank and up to 300 noble tropfen in the taglichen range.

When the beer friend comes to the James Joyce Bar, he is no longer around. There’s a problem with 20 clandestine and Irish beers. Fünf davon was zapft fresh vom Fass. For other Geschmäcker, the Bar offers a large selection of Gin and Rum. We have never had a Genusserlebnis, because we received an offer from a Zigarre offer.

3. Wider bar

Widder Bar (Image: zvg)

The Widder Bar, located at Widdergasse 6, offers excellent quality in craftsmanship and service. Bereten der Bar Stechen einem schnell Elemente wie altehrwürdige Holzbalken, rotes Leder aswie uner Lapislazuli-Wand ins Auge. These details add to the charm of the Widder Bar.

The Cocktails are widely used and a talented bartender can create his creative creations with more than 650 whiskeys and serve 1,200 spirits. Stadtbekannt is the Widder Bar as Ort for legendary Auftritte von Jazz-Grössen.

Wolfgang Mayer is the long manager of the houses. A large selection could be made with the Widder Bar, which has won the “Mixology Bar Awards” (annual pass 2023) or the best “Swiss Cocktail 2021 by Swiss Cocktail Open”.

4. Weisse Rose

Weisse Rose directional copyWeisse Rose directional copy

Weisse Rose (Image: zvg)

The Weisse Rose hat in Torgasse 9. An uncomplicated art that brings Welsh joie de vivre with wines, beer and other small-scale production from the Roman Empire to Zurich. If the Soul Group experiences an unfortunate mistreatment from the neighborhoods of the neighborhoods, arrange relations with the art world of the art galleries and museums that are so nice, that are so special in the Weissen Rose that there is a lot of fun.

The small quantities and the benefits of this ideal food, the regeneration of the food and the chance that new developments or friendships will take place in knüpfen. If you enter a man, you will find a relationship with a partner.

Darüber has the Weisse Rose a breit culture of Angebot zu bieten; These concerts were organised, Vinyl DJs were created and artistic institutions were found. The bar you saw during the week was a credible local haunt.

5. Felix bar

Felix Bar directionFelix Bar direction

Felix Bar (Image: zvg)

Das Felix, because in the Herzen von Zürich, said he expresses his own Bar- and Cocktailkultur. The Bar is the perfect location for all city füchse, geniesser, night schwärmer and cocktail lovers. A nice Tagen in der Woche that has opened up the classic «Quartiersbar» in the Badener- and Kalkbreitestrasse. I’m Felix for jedermann and he was dabei. The beginning of the first years with an overwhelming amount of Australian gins, with 100 whiskies, rums and other spiritual spirits, and a rundet with a regular mix of ingredients from Barklassikern, Neuinterpretationen and Cocktail-Newcomern ab.

Das Felix wants everything for the passion, good drinks and a wonderful moment to enjoy each other with guests and friends. With 28 seats and 20 seats in the bar, the guests are always welcome on the terrace with 50 seats for refreshment.

6. Sly Grog Bar

sly grog bar richtigsly grog bar richtig

Sly Grog Bar (Image: zvg)

Die Sly Grog Bar in Stadelhoferstrasse 18 Vereint Restaurant und Bars nach australische Kunst in Zwei Etagen: I have found a restaurant in a restaurant where there is a Bar, in the context of all the beer that is drunk. The rocky music is played, it’s wilder here.

I find the quaint Sly Grog Bar in Obergeschoss, a delicious range of dishes from hand-mixed cocktails. In a certain mood and atmosphere, the Alltag can give a hint. Inspired by the bar of the time of 19. Jahrhunderts, from 17:00 Uhr der öffentliche Alcoholkonsum verboten war. The local area offers a charming royal house, which embodies this “Provinzzeit”.

Neu ist sich die Sly Grog Bar is exclusively for private parties and conversions. Look for an event or any other event with friends, the Sly Grog Bar is the ideal Rahmen.