
Ex-manager Wollen Gehaltserhöhungen for Gericht Einklagen

Ex-manager Wollen Gehaltserhöhungen for Gericht Einklagen

The Arbeitsgericht Braunschweig starts a service from 27 years ago by the VW manager, who will find the new Sparkurs of automotive repairers again. If the target prices are increased more than 100 times, while a price of 1000 euros is paid, the VW car will be trapped for a longer period of time.

Der Konzern hatte im Frühjahr beschlossen, auch the Führungskräfte am Sparprogramm zu teiligen. The management circle would determine the overall rates of the rates. An amount of 3.3 percent and 1,000 euros of inflation is estimated. Those affected were affected during the construction of a car manufacturer in the year 2023, the components of the rates depend on their lifespan. VW knows that Forderungen zurück.

Vier Bundesländer mit VW-Standorten – Niedersachsen, Saxony, Hesse und Berlin – wollen der weil gemeinsam daran beiten, dass kriselnde Autobauer keine Standorte schließt. The vollumfängliche Erhalt aller Standorte is the first Soul of the Economic Minister of this Länder, he is in a gemeinsamen Positions paper. “It’s a shame that the single standorte was not played in any other way.” More media messages about the date of October 10. Paper.

The disappearance of the E-Auto-Prämie

Auch “heart Einschnitte” will last the civilized people lehnen the Länderminister ab. Perspektivisch müsse ein erneuerter, langfristiger Vertrag zur Beschäftigungssicherung dafüren, dass Werkplätze geschützt, en Know-how erhalten bleibt, fordern sie. “Einmal expertise is lost in the rule because it is still a matter of great importance,” warn Olaf Lies (Lower Saxony), Martin Dulig (Sachsen), Kaweh Mansoori (Hesse) and Franziska Giffey (Berlin). All four Ressortchefs are affiliated with the SPD.

The Volkswagen brand employs 120,000 people in Germany, more than 100,000 in Lower Saxony. Das Land Niedersachsen stops at 20 Prozent der Stimmrechte im VW-Konzern.

Volkswagen has done its best to carry out work in Germany for years. Working sketches and instructions for the development of debate. Dagegen is a broader stand of Betriebsrat and IG Metall.

“Technology expertise for orientation solutions”

The abrupt disappearance of the E-Auto-Prämie in the year that the damage to battery cars in Germany is broken. Before the repairman does his work, his work is no longer one of the paths of the EU flights for CO2 emissions from 2025 in Europe with higher Penalties.

The foreign ministers of the four states planned to create a new Kaufanreize, the German car industry would earn more and more money. Conclusion is the Reason of an Absatzförderprogramm, “the healthiest of the secret Automobilindustrie zugutekommt and gleichzeitig Mitnahmeefkte und socially Unrechtigkeiten ausschließt”.

“The stopp of the purchase prämie for E-Cars war falsch and hat in a low, in the vale Menschen ihr Konsumverhalten yet schon hinterfragen, for nor more Zurückhaltung gesorgt”, critical Niedersachsens Minister Lies. The Bund is the only one to implement the Environmental Bonus quickly. “Kaufprämien were and one of the stronger bedeutung, um die Verbreitung von Elektroautos and damn the production anzukurbeln.”

Darüber showed the four Länderminister another government leader who abandoned CO2 cross-border and new energy prices for industry. When the power comes from the electrical drawers and the loading and unloading of the cargo, and in the form of one of the cases errors, is forwarded.

The Minister of Justice is critical of the plant poisoning measures that have come from the Union and the AfD government. Debates und Zurück zum Verbrenner verunsicherten sowohl Käufer as auch Unternehmen und Investors, schreiben sie. “I have often thought that technology oblivion is influenced by the orientation strategy. And life goes on in this phase and in the following years it will never happen again,” says Lies.