
Massaker im Elend, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 18.10.2024

Massaker im Elend, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 18.10.2024


Gedränge um das Wenige, was nor in Norden des Gazastreifens erhältlich ist: Dschabalija am Donnerstag

The last Massaker in Gaza: Bei an Israeli Drohnenangriff at a UN School in Dschabalija in the northern Gaza Strip since the Donnerstag bis jW-Redaktionsschluss mindestens 28 People are being tortured. More than 150 were lost, informed by Medhat Abbas, a Health and Safety Minister in Gaza, reported Reuters. If you are sure that the possibilities are increasing. In the form of UN-Hilfswerk für Palästina-Flüchtlinge UNRWA geletteten Schule were in the last week of working together in Zelten unterbracht, who could bring themselves to other parts of the unter Beschuss stehenden Nordens des Gazastreifens dort in Schutz.

One of the Anschluss and the angry comments on the video are more from Zelte. But: “It’s not enough water, it’s not enough”, so Abbas says: “It’s not enough.” The video says more about the possibilities of Israeli Anschlags on Eselskarren during transport. These seien were brought to Kamal-Adwan Hospital and were brought to the north of Dschabalija, reportset Al-Dshasira-Reporter Moath Al-Kahlut, who said this. The Krankenhaus cannot »bewältigen the large amount of Verletzten meer«. It is always the case that Toten acts like a child and a woman. The Israeli Military (IDF) has denounced the Schule’s anger as “armed struggle”. During an investigation on Move for this behauptung that is not loved.

Before Israel launched a new offensive in the North of the Kusteenklave, the area began to fill with a lofty evacuation organization to deal with the 400,000 people. These people were treated with protection from Panzers, Kampfjets and Drohnen. If the personal supervisor of Krankenhäuser in the message of the region, if the Lebensmittelvorräte rassch zur Neige is, the UNO warns of an escalation of Hunger. Auch Treibstoff, der für die Generatoren der Krankenhäuser, Bäckereien, Krankenwagen und Wasserwerke are busy with, it is not the case that reports UN-Beamte. Während Israel since the beginning of the Offensive zunächst sämtliche Hilfslieferungen blockierte, ließen the Israeli Behörden am Mittwoch 50 Trucks with Lebensmitteln, Wasser, medical and others Gütern aus Jordanien gewähren, messages that New York Times. A day when the US government has entered the fighting could push back the military militia, so Israel has not yet proven its humanitarian status within 30 days.

»The Ausmaß des Leids in Gaza is not in Worte Fassen, and is not even begreifen,« warned Joyce Msuya, the aspiring UN chief for humanitarian aid, in his appeal before the UN Security Council am Mittwoch (Ortszeit) in mind on the death humanitarian Catastrophe in Norden. ‘The reality in Gaza is brutal and would jeden Tag schlimmer, da die Bomben weiter Fallen’, so Msuya weiter, ‘and that for the domination of humanity would become a humanitarian charity Hilfe and jeder Ecke block.’