
RLP Health Minister Hoch begrüßt Krankenhausreform – SWR Aktuell

RLP Health Minister Hoch begrüßt Krankenhausreform – SWR Aktuell

The Bundestag has rejected the Krankenhausreform of the Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD). The Clinics that use financial resources will become more specialized.

The Rhineland-Palatinate Health Minister Clemens Hoch (SPD) has approved the Krankenhaus reform by the Bundestag. In any case, the reform is in the right direction.

The reform was implemented, as a result of which the Krankenhäuser fell into the economic crisis. Bund and Länder have used the instruments, good medical care in the country of their safety.

Communes in RLP befürchten Kliniksterben

The daily business in the years of a clinical practice in the country, the consequences of the reform will be a great würden. The Landkreistag Rheinland-Pfalz has left the Bund and provided more financial support to the Zeit, to the reform prospects.


30 Krankenhäuser in RLP könnten laut Studie schließen

Versorgung von Kranken
Study: Ein Drittel der Krankenhäuser in RLP könnte schließen

A study comes from the Ergebnis, in Rhineland-Palatinate, where the Krankenhausstandort could disappear when the units were bundled.

Krankenhausreform brings women into the Vermittlungsausschuss

The past is one of the many national borders that are complete: more verbal criticism, part of the Bundesländer can provide the Vermittlungssausschuss of the Bundesrat and the Bundestag with woolen. The final Verabschiedung der Krankenhausreform is planted in the Bundesrat at the end of November. The reform will take place on January 1 in Kraft paper.