
Siege for Norbert Sieber and Nico Wüst in Panoramastrasse

Siege for Norbert Sieber and Nico Wüst in Panoramastrasse

The race would take place at 13. The 1500 meter long Panoramastrasse von Lochau can be explored after Eichenberg and last two days. Over 170 Fahrer from Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Italy started. If the plan is executed four times, the final result may be very low.

And the Rheintaler Pilots glänzten on the kurvenreichen Strasse in idyllic Bergdorf with fallen pods. A strandtlichen Sieg fuhr Norbert Sieber a, the Lotus-V6-Meisterschaft 2024 in the Production Class for itself inaugurated. The Widnauer Sieber-Brüder Reto and Norbert played a double match in that class in Samstag. It was a matter of the young Bruder Reto for Norbert, the gesamtwertung passed on to the old Bruder. The Lotus Cup leader was given the honor of being the Master, in his Palmarès heard with another title. 2003 and 2004 won the Schweizer Mini-Challenge, 2004 the Lotus Elise Swiss Trophy. 2018 is the Lotus-V6-Class II Production Advanced as far as, 2019 and 2022 have appeared in dieser Vizemeister. Also in Vorarlberg there was a beautiful heritage.

More Podestplace for the Rheintal Pilots

In the RCU class of the Untertoggenburg racing clubs, the self-built polymechanic Bruno Keller (Widnau) is used in BMW Compact on Platz zwei. The Altstätterin Sabrina Futterer is busy with Rang sieben in Mazda 3 MPS in the Kategorie Füber 3000 ihr Können. When it was a Wimpernschlag on a Podestplatz, it was said that it was Rennen-War. The car body player Gabriel Fenkart borrowed Caterham Super Seven in the Category HY (historical Youngtimer) on the Platz drei and the load wagon driver Pis Stadler from Walzenhausen who drove in the Peugeot 106 Rally on the Platz.

The Gruppe H dominates Sieger Reto Leutenegger from Walzenhausen in the hellish Opel Kadett C, and Rang fünf fuhr Kevin Thurnherr from the Altstätten in the Renault 3 Cup. Ebenfalls the Top Ten achieved Tom Gschwend (Oberriet, in Renault 2 Cup) and Reto Bischofberger (Oberegg, in Renault Clio 3 Cup).

Nico Wüst schlägt to his Vater Reto

High tension in the internal family duel in the «Löwen» garage in Diepoldsau. When de Strecke started with Vater Reto Wüst, he was the Mechatronik-Lernende Nico Wüst, in the Renault Clio Classic class.

Nico Wüst, here with his Vater Reto, dares to see his strong friends in Vorarlberg.

Nico Wüst, here with his Vater Reto, dares to see his strong friends in Vorarlberg.

Der Vater schlug seinen Sohn am Samstag thank signaler Erfahrung. In the first and last war Nico Schneller, my little patzte is in a pouring rain and a lot of fun. Reto Wüst gewann, Zweiter wurde der Oberrieter Sandro Hobi in Renault Megane RS. The following players are present in the Renault-Clio-2-Cup: Thomas Stiefken (Oberegg) with Zweiter and Kevin Thurnherr Sechster, followed by Reto Bischofberger and Ramon Meile (Oberriet).

Ben Sonntag glänzte Nico Wüst dann; there is an überstrahlte als Schnellster der Clio-Wertung alle. I see it with feuchten Augen sein stolzer Grandpa Sepp Wüst. Auch Reto Wüst, the first victory at the international Buhemia-Clio-Cups 2011, was broadcast as a sweater. Rank three a Thurnherr, Rank four a Stiefken, Rank sechs a Sandro Bischofberger (Oberriet), Rank sieben a Bischofberger and Rank eight a Meile.

Am Sonntag, 27. October, find the last Automobil-Slalom der Saison 2024 statt at the Flugplatz Wangen-Lachen in Canton Schwyz. At the start, they became the only Rheintal pilots.