
Hamburger Bille-Bad will produce Künstliche Intelligenz

Hamburger Bille-Bad will produce Künstliche Intelligenz

Im Hamburger Bille-Bad has been tested in the Kürze ein Überwachungssystem auf Basis Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI). Ob damit in Zukunft Tragödien, wie jene im October 2023, prevents were können?

For a year, the tragic Tod is a fünfjährigen Mädchens in Schwimmbad Bondenwald her. The Unglück is one of the Seepferdchen-Kurses der Bäderland GmbH, in the Schwimmbad Bondenwald region. Das Mädchen goes unnoticed.

Insgesamt heard 27 Hamburger Schwimmbäder zu der Bäderland GmbH. In one of the Schwimmbäder, dem Bille-Bad in Bergedorf, you will come in a Künstliche Intelligenz zur Überwachung von Badegästen zum Einsatz. A Konsequenz aus der Tragödie?

From November onwards, Bäderland GmbH in Bille-Bad KI will die as a result of better quality of life. Press officer Michael Dietel did not take into account that this personal message no longer exists, but it is completely a sister of Hilfe-handel, with the message from the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa).

In an interview with online nach dem Unfall in October 2023, it was clear that Dietel bereits, that is the Bäderland GmbH Gedanken über weitere Ansätze machen wolle. If the AI ​​gets into shape with a Smartwatch, the catastrophes can be hindered.

Install a new special room when you install Becken in Bille-Bad. If you do that, you can recognize the situation and immediately set it as an alarm and the poor visibility on your watch via Smartwatch.

Diet is active in dealing with the dpa, the kamerabasierte system is a signal and the signal sent, so that attention can be focused, will be typical of Unfall-Szenarien. Here you may have a reinfarction or Krampf trade.

If Dietel’s dpa came, the new AI ended in November. Ensure data protection rights are protected. The statue is now at its location and the sols that were removed, i.e. the Verantwortlichen der Bäderland GmbH.

If the message is sent, the AI ​​system can post its comments in other German states. Die Bäderland GmbH comes from the following Hamburger Standorte nach dem Test in Bergedorf.