
Lebenskrisen und Lossungsansätze: Besser Leben or Das Private ist strukturell

P there is no more war between the beds, my misery is here. Spontaneously happened in an Instagram story, in the fragments, when it became a bit exciting, it became more stressful and others would thus pass over “personal catastrophes”. And if there is a fragile situation, we see what Tipps looks like, who can do that. The story changes after four wonderful things, while the answers remain hanging. The few both have Fragen savory. Those girls: the first ones.

I hate talking about “personal catastrophes”. The war that the Formulier has undergone is a fact, a clear insight: I did not end up in a Kriegs area, I did not lose my Zuhause due to a Flut or any other Natural Disaster.

I’m here, but I’m still living in Berlin, I’m not hungry, I’m not going to be depressed. When we’re here, it’s like we can do something else. Die Sache ist die: Es wird nicht ruhiger.

Falling in meinem Umfeld is a wonderful experience. If the autumn of the “personal catastrophes” is caused by the guilt, and there is a person who is in his life: a person stands up for the zwangsräumung (Own bedarf). You can make a diagnosis, but the terminology remains with facharzt*innen (zur Behandlung).

Weil no longer function

When another person has a meditative thought, about the terminology of the diagnosis will no longer be available this month. An overview has produced a large number of documents during a lost laundry damage – and the list has been secured.

Dazu kommen paintedungen, wie wie stressig der Alltag. Word from Kafkaesque assessors, WG-Streit, never came out, but it is a discovery of no one else Bleibe. If you rely on the long term, sales will no longer be functional.

It is completely legitimate that von Solchen Dingen is doing his best. It is also good that if you have fragmented tips, you can do even better.

“I am a good person”

Die Sache war nur: Lösungen und Probleme pasten nicht zeeammen. The war has started, who felt the time for the most successful Worte, aber the Vorschläge, was half-könnte, went a meinen and the gesammelten Problemen vorbei. Mir wurden Atemübungen geschickt en Yogapraktiken empfohlen.

The problems, “catastrophes” and stressors described are structural. The result is that infrastructure, medical care and catastrophic urban politics are disrupted. It would be a miracle if you left. Die Sache ist die: I will have a (other woolen) ich kann das auch ganz gut. Other sitzen tiefer in der Klemme. It is possible to go the Luft way.

Trotzdem ist Positives aus meiner Initiative entstanden. If you don’t delve deeper, it becomes: the discussion about the political issue. Another friend who has arranged the kitchen in the house and a fluffy description that has the financial boats. My idea was one of the biggest problems with the money coming out. It was, if the money, anyway, if you think about what you are doing, it does not remain that you can buy.

It wasn’t fair either, if all the people weren’t free to go to the house and meditate, then their air force would have been busy for a while, and live a little for all their work.