
10. Runde, Super League – Two Distanzschützen schiessen den FCZ zum 2:1-Derbysieg – Sport

10. Runde, Super League – Two Distanzschützen schiessen den FCZ zum 2:1-Derbysieg – Sport

  • In the 10th round of the Super League, the Grasshoppers of FCZ play in Derby at home with 1:2.
  • Lindrit Kamberi (32.) and Antonio Marchesano (38.) bring the FCZ with Distanzschüssen in Führung, GC defeated by Awer Mabil (61.).
  • YB plays in 1. Play under Joel Magnin in 2. Saisonsieg, Servette plays Sion in Abend zum Rhonederby.

A show war was played when Marco Schällibaum brought fresh Kräfte with Pascal Schürpf and another Mabil. If the GC gets a new boost, it will lag 0:2 and end up in 2nd. Halbzeit is not the big opportunity. Schällibaum’s Wechsel works Wunder. For a minute both stood on the field, like Schürpf in FCZ-Strafraum on the side of the Mabil, while the distance could be a bit.

Der FCZ muss noch zittern

Das 286. Stadtzürcher Derby war damit neu lanciert, de Grasshoppers Witterten Morgenluft. While he continues with Chancen, Giotto Morandis Abschluss stroifte nur the Pfosten (72.) – and rüttelte the FCZ die wieder wach. If the war in the 2. Halftime period became passive, the game would apparently pass from the hands.

If FC Zurich plays over time and such a glück in Kontern, but the end of the game can be one thing. The next day is the FCZ zum 5. Derbysieg in the last 6 Ausgaben, now in January the man himself must play the Stadtrivalen geschlagen.

FCZ-Distanzschützen take care of the Pausenführung

When both teams get a hint, the swimming starts with a umkämpft-geführt. Justin Hammel has to split up twice in the Startviertelstunde, a truce over both Prüfungen. To others Tomas Veron Lupi said the GC-Führung on the Fuss, but the Leihgabe of Racing Club (ARG) went over the ball.

Trotz Veron Lupis Riesenchance war is der FCZ, in der 1. Halbzeit das Spiel Power. In the 32nd minute, the Mannschaft von Ricardo Moniz was able to remove the Skore. Der als Schienenspieler aufgestellte Lindrit Kamberi zog mangels Alternativen aus 22 Metern ergolgreich ab. Nur 6 Minuten später jubelte der FCZ schon wieder. Antonio Marchesano informed the guests, the Tessiner schnell the Abschluss and the überwand Hammel ebenfalls aus der Distanz.

Marchesano matches the break for the break with a header or a personal double wrap. In the end, the first half of the time is not yet over, the dominanz of the FCZ, which takes the next step in the estimated display mode.

So it will happen again

Die Grasshoppers gastieren am kommenden Samstag in Lausanne. The FCZ works on Sonntag Servette zum Spitzenkampf. With the Derbysieg grüsst van FCZ nun van de Tabellenspitze, nur Lugano, the Zürcher can with a Sieg with 3 Tower Unterschied vandränngen from dort.