
Chris Hoy has Krebs in the Endstadium – and finds a proud rising Worte

Chris Hoy has Krebs in the Endstadium – and finds a proud rising Worte

The Ausnahmesportler Chris Hoy (48) has gained an advantage, he is a Krebs in the Endstadium leadership. The true Scottish Bahnradsportler, who has secured his career as winner of the Gold Olympic Games and eleven weltmeister titles, has now only been involved with the “Sunday Times” for four years.

If you lead a Prostatakrebs, your Knochen is active. Bereits seit gut a year change Hoy, dass seine Erkrankung nicht mehr heilbar sei – also insulting to the schon zu dem Zeitpunkt, if there is in February the Krebserkrankung öffentlich gemacht hatte. Damals ended up on Instagram while being offered chemotherapy, which caused glowing intestinal reactions.

Chris Hoy hat Prostatakrebs in the Endstadion

So it is unnatural that it is so, but the nature of the thing dies, said Nun: “Wissen Sie, we are all born and we all die, and that is the life of the thing.” If you think that man is not so happy, then it is a medicine, with the man who makes Ganze so long, which may last longer. “Hand aufs Herz, I am in the most positive mood and I am very happy,” he said. “The tie here is bigger than the Olympic Games. It’s bigger than everything else. It’s fun, life is fun and Freude has been found.”

On the social media platform comment is now: “Vielleicht can read an article about my best general lesson in the evenings and that of a Wednesday. I want to everyone now versichern, that’s how fit, grim and positive and good of everything Liebe is and Unterstützung, die entgegenbracht mir en meiner Familie.”