
It was a Schwangerschaft with the power of a mother

It was a Schwangerschaft with the power of a mother

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It was a Schwangerschaft with the power of a mother
Neuroscientists from the University of California Santa Barbara have taken MRT scans of a woman who and after their Schwangerschaft. © Jeff Liang/The Washington Post

Who changes the behavior of the Schwangerschaft? A Wissenschaftlerin ließ sich vor, während en nach ihrer Schwangerschaft untersuchen and zegt Ergebnisse.

Wissenschaftler has acquired the knowledge of a Frau zur Mutter Fest Contenten und über een Zeitraum durch är ährer zu einem, dass Gerät auf eine das Gehärkliche Representation des Problems ähren, dass in die Laufe der Schwangerschaft.

The fact that there is knowledge of the fact that it is “Mami-Hirn” can occur, but it is not possible for pop culture to occur, while the young man becomes aware of the fact that he will develop. Statistics that start with the neurological examination will first document, with a hormone and reihe complex, while continuing the operation, the hirn on the electrical supply and optimizing the operation.

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If Liz Chrastil’s neuroscientist and his wife Ehemann were a family of gründen, it’s not like they themselves aren’t. With a team of Mitarbeitern, that is with the gehirn in the Wechseljahren and the dem Menstruationszyklus befasst haben, schlüpfte sie 26 Mal in the Scanner – before, während and after ihrer Schwangerschaft – and sweetly a beispielosen Einblick in a transformative Ereignis in der mensschlichen Biologie , that the knowledge of the long period was over.

Who changes the behavior of a Schwangerschaft? Wissenschaftlerin says es

If, in short, a mistake has been made in the problem of growth, they will be destroyed and diluted and remain long-refreshed, while the motorways, the connected regional connections, improve the Schwangerschaft and stand in line after the debts, which will lead to a slowdown. Das Proof-of-Concept-Experiment, das am Montag (September 16) in der Fachzeitschrift Nature Neuroscience it became clear, said, who formed Chrastils Gehirn von Monat zu Monat war.

Die Erfahrung, Mutter zu zijn, influsst de “Biologie, de Kognition, das Selbstbewusstsein und den Platz in der Gesellschaft onener Person – und sogar das Risiko eines Gehirnschwunds im Alter“, so Sharna Jamadar, Neurowissenschaftlerin at the Monash University in Australien, die nicht an der Studie beteiligt war, in an e-mail. “We are proud of the massive changes that have been made by the Schwangerschaft.

One of the projects that has taken the machine scanning process of several years has begun, a test that will carry out the entire world of these treatises and a fragment of the clarification, which will affect the weathering structure of the processing or the thinking exercises. The Hoffnung is that the only study that Hinweis has sweetly done, where women can experience depression after depression, or that can increase the guilt of the disease in the alternative way.

That “Mami-Hirn” is not that, I thought

The Schwangerschaft is a trinity and angel point of man’s existence, after the mütterliche gehirn have now ensured that they no longer remain under control and unnoticed. This was the last time that Forscher knew, stems from Momentaufnahmen, which were authorized for a night of Schwangerschaft.

The new study began with the war, when this war began. It is a bit extensive and takes a long time to increase the volumes of the gray substanz, while the gehirnzellen konzentrieren and gratitude, emfindungen and erinnerungen are sind. These investigations lasted a year after the Geburt of Chrastils had been prepared, and some of the investigations could be carried out in other investigations as long-term and discontinued documentation.

Liz Chrastil, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of California, Irvine, would like to know what and how they scan their pregnancy. Ihr Sohn ist jetzt 4 Jahre alt.
Liz Chrastil, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of California, Irvine, would like to know what and how they scan their pregnancy. Ihr Sohn ist jetzt 4 Jahre alt. © Liz Chrastil

Connecting the Gehirn regions that focus on the Schwangerschaft

The team of the Gehirn has found the Schwangerschaft itself, could have a new festivity: The Integrity of the Connections in the Gehirn regions – of the white Substanz – verstärkte sich im first en zweiten Trimester and would then be after the Geburt wieder um.

A schrumpfendes-gehirn-klingt fellleicht not nach etwas Gutem, aber Susana Carmona, Neurowissenschaftlerin at Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital in Madrid, that not one of the studies guarantees war, that herausgefunden, that the Abnahme des Volumens der grauen substanz während der Schwangerschaft with a erhöhten mütterlichen The binding of their sister arms could be done, it was a fact that they had joined and had passed the bevorstehende herausforderung.

Emily Jacobs, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Santa Barbara and one of the leaders of the study, described the process using Michelangelo’s Meisterwerk “David.” “Man begins with that Marmorklotz and entfernt Stück für Stück – that Schnitt can bring the lying Schönheit zum Vorschein,” said Jacobs.

Graue Substanz im Gehirn schrumpfte während der Schwangerschaft um etwa 4 Prozent

Chrastil says that it is not the case that a “mumble secret” occurs, because it is a very limited quantity, which is quantifiable, which is a grim substanz-geschrumpft – a 4 prozent. If you consider that most young people lead under Schlafmangel, a Rolle dabei spielen könnte, which the Menschen has found the Functional functions over time.

Margaret McCarthy, a neuroendocrinologist at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said the treatises based on them were the other generation of Schwangership that allowed for a refinement and an endless effort. When the hormone is released, the hormonal balance of the hormone balance, which reacts in youth, is weakened. “While you are aware of the erasure of the hormonal environment of the company’s pregnancy, it is one of the Mutterschaft vorzubereiten,” said McCarthy.

This is another fact

The new Arbeit is part of the study, which says, who carried out the research – was Neurowissenschaftler as “Plastizität” bezeichnen. It is light, if the organ is set as a static organ, after the Forschung has been determined, if it shifts and adjusts, the function of the Schlüssel zu seiner. When the adolescents work in a process, their efficiency is improved, beschnitten. Aber auch im Erwachsenalter and sogar in kurzen Zeiträumen changes sich das Gehirn.

One of the leaders of the new study, Laura Pritschet, a postdoctoral fellow in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, began spending her menstrual cycle in the scanner for a month and said it works in the cycle of a month is as good as possible.

And the gilded is no longer for Frauen. If the child is from the Erstvätern, it is worth helping a child, which Forscher has financed. If the hormone hormone is exchanged during the course of a day, and when it is time to put a man on the moon, from 7 a.m. tomorrow to 8 p.m., they may move in a rhythmic manner in rhythm mode.

Dennoch says it’s interesting that pregnancy makes for one of the most dramatic events to be published. “All in all, the neurological development of the mutterschaft dies as one of the periods with the high neuroplasty in the erwachsenenenenleben,” says Carmona.

Zur Autorin

Carolyn Johnson ist Wissenschaftsjournalistin. You can pass on your message to the general interest group and the general interest group for the Verbraucher.

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