
On March 17, the US will go to the US: Harris will go to hell, right? | Politics

On March 17, the US will go to the US: Harris will go to hell, right? | Politics

It ends dramatically in the US. In 16 days the Americans are separated: Kamala Harris (60) and chef Joe Biden (81) in the Oval Office ab. Or did Donald Trump (78) have a sweaty Amtszeit?

The Duell is the Superpower, the Welt fiebert with. Does democracy have no effect on souls after the euphoria of the summers? Or is the Republikaner-Rivale the Wahl with his düsterer Retorik?

It is more beautiful in Umfragen

Meinungscher liefern Daten zum Thriller: Laut dem Portal “RealClearPolitics” lies Harris in Schnitt nationaler Umfragen at 49.4 Prozent. Trump: 47.8 percent. In the ‘Kampf-Bundesstaat’ (Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia) we will compete with Trump. Aber: with 0.1 to 1.4 Prozentpunkten Denkbar knapp (Stand Freitag).

Harris, who is Biden’s Wahlkampf in July, wants to take a “new path” with ‘Freude’ and the ‘Wandels’. The Democrats are rejoicing, the outcome of the misery of Biden. This war is a Strofeuer. Jetzt nimmt the ex-statesman who in a schlusssplädoyer Trump brutally ins Visier: His “instabil”, “unzurechnungsfähig”, a Möchtegern-Diktator. Make sure you attack in Publikum. Stammwähler travels with it. After a popular popularity this dropped to 43 Prozent Zustimmung (NBC).

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is in a way doing a Wahlkampf-veranstaltung in Washington Crossing Historic Park in Washington Crossing geprochen hat

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is in a way doing a Wahlkampf-veranstaltung in Washington Crossing Historic Park in Washington Crossing geprochen hat

Photo: AP

Trumps Taktik: Er ist ein Verteufelt Harris als Komplizin eener Katastrofen-Präsidentschaft. A bezeichnet is incompetent. The rest of the time is clear: “Sicher und well-being” is the land we live in. Und in der Welt respect. “Great” eben. There is talk of fortsetzung.

What are the themes of Harris and Trump in Endspurt?

Harris hat his travel theme “Abtreibung” clare Vorteile, after the höchste US-Gericht “Supreme Court” (with three “Trump-Richtern”) 2022 the Bundesschutz kipped hat. Either haben 13 Bundesstaaten Abtreibungen verboten. Also, Harris will die in the middle class, the climate protection system and the millionaires and the higher income levels.

The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and the evil First Lady Melania Trump are 79. jährlichen Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on the Donnerstag, October 17, 2024, in New York teil

The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and the evil First Lady Melania Trump are 79. jährlichen Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on the Donnerstag, October 17, 2024, in New York teil

Photo: photo alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

Trump punktet at the Wirtschaft: More US-Wähler trauen ihm after the schmerzhaften Teuerungswellen zu, Preissenkungen durchsetzen zu können. And if Grenzschutz does this. After millions of illegal cross-border people entered the Biden-Harris-Jahren protocol, Trump saw a Mehrheit of the US-American with that Travel theme behind it all. But the general Dämonisierung von Migranten (“Mörder”, “Irre”, “Vergewaltiger”, “Terroristen”) sorts for Kritik.

Was it a problem for the candidates?

Zu Beginn ihres Wahlkampfs war die Optik Harris’ Stärke: Sie wirkte fresh, more likely, younger (Harris was published on 20. October 60). But in a great choreography, Wahlkampf feels better and substanz. Your main dilemma: If you ask a new question, but cannot understand it, it was different if your Noch-Boss machen wolle. About “Fox News” said that this would now be the case “keine Fortsetzung” of the Biden-Amtszeit became würde.

Trump has looked at the frustration in more detail on his page: inflation, the migrant economy, prosperity, often also liberal politics. Aber häufig fehlt es ihm am Fokus, an der Disziplin: Er schwadroniert, polemisiert, lügt, übertreibt, schimpft. Der Ton is the dustiest. One of the Bidens absconded has been the most White House candidates overnight.

This is the conclusion of the Geschlechterkluft: Laut NBC führt Trump among men (+16 %), Harris among women (+14 %). Trump wolllte in eeninem Interview nichts davon erased: “That is Unsinn, Frauen lieben mich …”

US-Wahlkampf extremeMusk is open to business for Trump

There is a lot, there is a big challenge: Musk power Wahlkampfparty for Trump

Quelle: Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP