
Das Heimische Superfood: Aus dem Garten rauf auf die Oblaten

Das Heimische Superfood: Aus dem Garten rauf auf die Oblaten

b If you sit in the garden, you can see more Sanddornbüsche and -bäume and bin froh darum. When you see silver grazing, you see it as a refugium for bird, when you get into the water, and when you have an orange-red fruit. The Dorns are erschweren die Ernte, aber de Mühe lohnt sich.

How would it be to use Gojibeeren and Chiasamen, when the Sanddorn is before the Tür reif? The beers are an unhealthy secret superfood, a glass of their vitamin C supplements are effective – it may even be that the zitron is no longer healthy. When it comes to beta-carotene, the Vitamin A vitamin is walking the walk. And if you include vitamin B12, it is true that all products are offered at a high level, it is delicious in the sand, because the plan for vegetarians and vegans is very tasty.

Blast through the antibacterial properties of Beeren and strengthen the immune system. Kaum verwunderlich, that is the legend that the Krieger Dschingis Khans got with Sanddorn.

Aus meinem Sanddorn mache ich zum Beispiel Saft. Put a kilo of beer with about 75 ml of water in a topf. Everything is going smoothly. Minutes before you buy a drink, you will have fresh fruit since. Then I put the Saft in a fine Sieb or Tuch and finished it abtropfen. If the pure Sanddorn ship is relatively sour, it may have been an honest target. During the Erkältungszeit it is less important that the immune system withdraws. A Schuss Saft, an akazienhonig and a few Beeren peppen jeden schlicht Milchreis or Frühstücksbrei auf.

When the time is right, man can experience the consequences of heavy pressure and great effort. Then you get Gelierzucker – a kilo kilo to a Kilo Beeren – and everything you need to stir at the purchased temperature. Fertig is the Sanddorn marmalade!


Dieser Text originates from there Wochentaz. Unserer Wochenzeitung from the left! If you are a woman, you will live in the world, what is it – and who is it? A link to a living situation with stimulation, halt and the other way of looking at the world. Jeden Samstag is new on the newsstand and of course in Abo.

With the maché ich zum Beispiel Fruchtschnitten: Ich nehme a Handful of Trockenfrüchte, Rosinen, Pflaumen and Apricots, and cut them into small Stücke. It happens that there are Haferflocken, and Sesam, hacker Mandeln or other Nüsse and eben der Sanddornaufstrich. All jewelry and the mass filled in the background, then jewelry with a pair of Oblates are covered. With the Haltbarkeit zu erhöhen, I can see the Sandstone cuts nor around 45 degrees in the Backofen and have some Stunden trocknen. If it doesn’t go away, clamp a holzlöffel in the Tür, damn the Restfeuchte entweichen kann. Good appetite!