
Trump powers Wahlkampf at McDonald’s – Spitze versus Harris

Trump powers Wahlkampf at McDonald’s – Spitze versus Harris

The Republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump hat Wahlkampf in a Filiale des Schnellrestaurants McDonald’s power – the action is a Seitenhieb on a democratic Rivalin Kamala Harris. “I was happy with my life for a long time. And I was happy with it,” said the 78-year-old in front of the audience Kurzbesuch in a branch in Feasterville-Trevose in the US Federal State Pennsylvania. Closer Ankunft wake Trump said Jast it’s just a matter of a while Schuerze um. Then you go into the kitchen and use the deep fryer, make frittered cartons and be full of delicious porridge dishes with Pommes French fries. I am one of the drive-through areas of the restaurants, where an ordering and ließ sich photography occur.

Harris is a Wahlkampf guy who loves the Studiums Summer This is the case with the Fast-Food-Kette equipment. Thats Wahlkampf team der Demokratin gibt en, dass Harris im Summer 1983 in Alameda im Bundesstaat Kalifornien beschäftigt gewesen sei. Trump started in an unintentional way, while Harris had his suspicion – it’s not that way anymore. Who wrote “New York Times”, dass McDonald’s Medienanfragen zu dem Thema negoriert habe. Die Zeitung If you’re going to work with a childhood friend of Harris’s, it’s true that the American American company used the Kette equipment.

Trump always perpetrates new myths of destruction

There is talk of Trump’s political strategy, the theories about spreading and the floating in the Bevölkerung of the case. It’s bad that the Republikaner is dying Präsidentschaftswahl 2020 and behauptet, Wahlbetrug has brought a Sieg in damals. The Trump war is starting to play a prominent role Destroyer der rassisten Verschwörungstheorie, wonach Ex-Präsident Barack Obama Being born in Kenya is a shame and certainly not a US President. Obamaerster schwarzer President of the United States, in the US-Bundesstaat Hawaii zur Welt.

Trumps are playing a big war in the Schnellrestaurant Middle spectacle. The well-known journalists said that the Republikaner is now running 15 minutes longer McDonald’s equipment like Harris. Angesprochen on the 60. Geburtstag der Demokratin ätzte Trump: “Alles Good zum Geburtstag Kamala. (…) I think I gave a few flowers, fell light on a few Pommes.” Der Milliardär just say it Wahlkampf as Destroyer of the einfachen Leute. There is inside New York City when a family member is born and founded at the Studium ins Geschäft ein. By der Präsidentschaftswahl am 5. November It’s a head-and-head run that’s in the air and the Harris-hinaus.