
Workouts are reduced daily with a risk of 200 illnesses

Workouts are reduced daily with a risk of 200 illnesses

Sporting activity

Robert Klatt

Sport reduces the risks for less strength. The volume of activity is more important than the rules.

Boston (USA). If you have done a study, sports activity is active in the field of positive human influence and increased longevity. Many people can use the view in a different way, which is now one of the two days they can be active. Forscher at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) has made continuous, moderate to intense workouts a little healthier during exercise.

Laut ihrer Publication im Fachmagazin Circulation haben die Wissenschaftler dazu Daten von 89.573 Probanden aus der UK Biobank untersucht. The data does not contain information about human health and sports activity information, the excessive activity sensors in the hands are not active.

Unterteilung in drei Aktivitätsmuster

The tires used to allow sporting activities to take place in the group are no more than men, who are now in the gym, men, the regular sports machines and men, who are or are not sportingly active. The limit for moderate to intensive activities is 150 minutes of sport by definition.

It could be that, in humans, most 20- to 30-minute workouts are combined between people, absolving the longer training sessions in the training session and continuing to pause, while health is interrupted in no time.

Risiko für 678 Erkrankungen-analyse

Anschließend have analyzed the researchers, who have the Aktivitätsmuster das Risiko für 678 Erkrankungen aus 16 Krankheitskategorien beeinflussen, darunter total Gesundheit, neurological Krankheiten, das Verdauungssystem and other Krankheiten.

If you know that Weekend Warrior is regularly active as a person, there is a small German price for 200 degrees. The majority of the risks are that men, who do not practice sports, are reduced by cardiometabolic skills with blood sugar disease (23 to 28%) and diabetes (43 to 46%).

“It is possible that the active activity of the risk is affected by a large part of the force. Here is the potential of ‘Weekend Warrior’ activities, now that the risk for the herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen has begun, who in the Vergangenheit is said, will be such a Risk for zukünftige Erkrankungen, which a breit Spektrum abdecken – from chronic Kidney diseases are intended to increase and aggravate immunity.”

The study said that the sport in the gym has an effective effect on the training and training that lasts longer. Körperliche Aktivität is the only thing you can do, one of the risks you can undertake is the ring.

“It is a great choice for ‘Weekend Warrior’ and a regularly active activity that can increase the activity volume if necessary. If you are doing research on the health testing research, and the patient is likely to change, if you indicate the direction that is moving – in any case, that is the best functionality.”

Circulation, doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.124.068669