
Art, culture and that endless world

Art, culture and that endless world

If you have been in the Weltraumsector-tätig for a year. I have brought together interactive works of art in all shapes and sizes, with Astronauts and the KOSMICA Institute, the first Weltraum organization that is ausschließlich der Kunst und Kultur in Weltraum Widmet. There are many astronauts who actively promote the role of art in well-being activities and their well-being community, another cultural initiative to start. It is a matter of doing, the art that has to do with artwork in everything.

With the rise of the private space industry and the development of rockets, satellites and international space stations, the possibilities for artistic development have increased and new opportunities for artistic development have emerged. So if you take the time to listen, you can let art work deeply with the cosmos. It is clear that weltraum art no longer belongs to culture.

I was born in a country like the Nabel des Mondes is known for: Mexico. Our indigenous population has left the city, the dialogue with the universal state of affairs, where the Korridor des Todes triffs on the pyramids of the sonne and the worlds and a day-night gleiche that pays a treasure schlong price on a temple. The universe has spent its songs, songs, chants and rituals – a source of inspiration in the ancient culture of the world. It is often the case that the Weltraum War plays out, but the Weltraum War will occur more and more often. I think we will find something in the world. Frühe Kulturen auf der ganzen Welt wussten das and führten einen fortwährenden Dialog mit dem Kosmos – Künstler:innen were in my Mittler. There are a few things you can do: take a long journey for clearing and realizing technical solutions.

Kasimir Malewitsch 1915: Eine Ahnung von detechnologien der Zukunft?


Zum Beispiel skizzierte der Ukrainian Künstler Kasimir Malewitsch 1915 with some minimalist Gesten Würfel, Kreise and Linien. The company’s supremacist work is undisclosed in the photos of the international station, which are always visible. What is our current welfare technology? Whoever can create a medium is a poetic intuition and speaks about the people who live in well-being. Malewitsch’s Werk said, who Künstler: It takes a long time before the journey begins, while you meet other people. Ihre Visionen find themselves in Literatur, Musik, Bildender Kunst und Zeitgenössische Kunst. From Jules Vernes Travels to the emotional Gemälden by Helen Lundeberg.

Künstler:innen schlagen Alarm

Part of the art in art is that you have to buy, the world of your hinter fragments, however you do it, and however you think about it, however you can do that. These intrinsic elements of art treasures are critical, discussion-based and inspiring, our Annahmen and ideas for hinterfragens, herausfordern and erforschen. If you erase a culture, there is no hint, if time is toxic. Zeitgenössische Künstler:innen, die more poetic Beziehung zum Kosmos erforschen and zukünftige Reisen erdenken, schlagen auch Alarm über de derzeitigen Weg der Weltraumaktivitäten. Welding If you take a look at the site, a reinforcement, where.

Nahum: Start of Space X


The Weltraumerkundung started with powerful nations, the fight against the Kalten Kriege transporters. The Kriegsgebot catalyzes the fortschritte in rocket technology, it is a smaller starting object with its Entsendung von Menschen in All Trieben. The legal body is the UdSSR and the US Citizenship Agencies. These agents, the military entanglements and the political issues influence, their best decisions can often be a irdic business issue with a healthy life and a fair image.

In the letter that started with the Obama administration, the private sector began to charge, own welfare technology with the verses, the law bewerb and the market dynamics that would reduce costs. This change brings with it a new reformation: the Notnauwkeit, Gainne bij Weltraumaktivitäten zu erzielen.

Weltraum art is characterized by most cultural forms of Australian culture.

Nahum Romero Zamora

Under the logic of the market and capitalism, the internal paradigm and narrative remain, which have never been abolished, justice and happiness will bring our world – both for humans and for the more-as-human. Raumfahrtaktivitäten have historically been mixed up in colonial visions: “We colonized Mars,” “a Raumcolony here,” “Raumkolonisation dort” and so on. The colonial and aggressive Haltungen gegenüber dem Weltraum wait in the new, unternehmensgesteuerten Raumfahrtwelt weiter. There is an idea that Mars is atomizing, an atmosphere created by “Occupy Mars” slogans. If born in a country, the colonization of war can still lead to the traumatic experience of trauma.

The insulting response was often: “Auf dem Mars gibt es kein Leben, der Mond ist nur ein Stein.” But you can reduce the world of your natural resources, which may have been experienced, in an or a trauten and serious way. It is always the case that the world in the Edge acquires a part of the masses, the anthropozenes, in their misbräuchliches the Chemistry of the Planets and reaches the end of Stability a little, the Humanity seit ithrer Entstehung genährt hat. Is hat us an diesen Punkt brought? It is the Missbrauch von Wasser, Luft und Stein – der Elemente, die leben stutzen. The complex, another world we live in, ignores it as catastrophic consequences. We recognize it, the anthropological Ansatz is separated.

Lücken in the Rings of Saturn

If you have done a rewarding experiment, then Vollmond is busy developing the whole world, if you are an Apfel-angknabbert, or see a telescope on Saturn and look at the rings you see. The bare reality will become that a number of other people will be concerned with generating profitable resources. If you live in the anthroposophical world, there is a human influence in the cosmic order. Selbst in the Erdumlaufbahn is a Planet of Millions of Particles Weltraummüll umgeben, was a swinging, swinging Fragen zu set.

When there was a plan, man was in one of the most important places he could get to, but there was a good chance that he would be zum Reißbrett. If the good of prosperity is affected, man will pass to the end, but no motives will be left behind. Since we are working so aussergewöhnlich? Other art on those planets can be one of the best jobs, perhaps with more Anmut and little Zerstörung.

Nahum Romero Zamora is an artist and musician born in Mexico. Seine Work in one of the famous museums, theaters and festivals at an international level.


Welche Rolle Spielen Kunst und Künstler:innen dabei? Was it one of those things that could happen in a different direction? Art offenbart Tiefe. If you like the Walk, go to the path of Wachstums- and Expansionsträumen which takes a journey into the intimacy of time. Eine Tiefe, den gegebundene Nature anerkennt, verwoben mit alle other Existenzformen um our hereum. Eine Tiefe, the gratitude for the basic legends of the Daseins discoveries – Stein, Luft, Wasser. That positive perspective knowledge can go the way, our awareness of the health and well-being of people with a salvation and a sense of connectedness and energy for the complex network of their origins, that is all there is.

Künstler: We have had a long experience, different with the universe, with a flow of wertschätzung and support. From the ritual past of literature, which is one of the most popular travel forms, is the most fascinating Gemälde of außerweltlichen dimensions that begin its musical systems, which are in the verwurzable sphere, from poems about sterne to his zeitgenössische kunst ler:innen, who purchase Werke for Raumschiffe.

If you find one of these people, this is a matter of doing it.