
Donald Trump served Pommes at McDonald’s and quips about Harris

Donald Trump served Pommes at McDonald’s and quips about Harris

Vom Milliardär zum Fast-Food-Jobber? Trump served Pommes at McDonald’s

Donald Trump plays at a Wahlkampfauftritt Pommes in a McDonalds-Restaurant-hinaus

Da passed die Krawatte zur roten Schachtel: Donald Trump is the well-known Pommes Enthusiast

© Doug Mills/The New York Times Pool via AP/DPA

If we’re running Donald Trump, Mr. Harris has figured out his summer job at McDonald’s. If a Wahlkampfauftritt gives a hint to Theke.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has employed Wahlkampf in a family member of the McDonald’s Schnellrestaurants – the action is a backlash against his democratic rival Kamala Harris. “I want to be able to read for a long time. It’s a piece of mache,” said the 78-year-old before ending up at a relative’s home in Feasterville-Trevose, Pennsylvania. After Trump took off his jacket. Then we go into the kitchen and there is a deep fryer, frittered cartoffels and a delicious porridge dish with pommes frites.

I am one of the drive-through areas of the restaurants, where an ordering and ließ sich photography occur. “I was not forgotten about that inheritance,” Trump said after the Wahlkampfauftritt, with this being for all Wähler from the Working Class in which Swing State answers were wanted. Der Job erfordere Fachwissen, concrete er.

Harris has taken a Wahlkampf action, while the Studiums use the summer at the Fast-Food-Kette equipment to eat. The Wahlkampfteam of the Democratic Party was civilized during Harris in the summer of 1983 in Alameda in the Federal State of California. Trump started in an unintentional way, while Harris had his suspicion – this did not happen. The “New York Times” wrote that McDonald’s Medienanfragen was ignored by the theme. The Zeitung sprach eigenen Angaben nach with a childhood friend of Harris, it is a fact that the fierce American flag has come with the Kette equipment.

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There is talk of Trump’s political strategy, the theories about spreading and the floating in the Bevölkerung of the case. If the Republikaner has gone through the Präsidentschaftswahl 2020 and his behavior, the Wahlbetrug has gotten into trouble. The Trump war was waged by one of the prominent representatives of the racialist Verschwörungstheorie, which meant that ex-president Barack Obama was born in Kenya and would no longer be threatened by the American president. Obama, the first schwarzer president of the United States, combs the US Federal State of Hawaii to Welt.

Trumps are playing a war against the Mediterranean in the Schnellrestaurant. Most reporters said Republicans spent 15 minutes longer at McDonald’s equipment than Harris. Angesprochen auf den 60. Trump’s Democratic Party: “Alles Geburtstag Kamala. (…) I think, I was given a few flowers, fell light on a few Pommes.”

Harris-Sketch veralbert Trump – der last zurück

Harris-Sketch veralbert Trump – der last zurück

03:58 min

Harris trat in de Sonntag in zwei Kirchen in de Atlanta region und liet sich sich van Soul-singer Stevie Wonder op een geburtstagsstand. Statts in the struggle for power of the Democrats in the fight against Trump’s theme is Wahlkampf theme. Der 78-Jährige drücke sich “aus Erschöpfung” for debates and wise interviews with, knowledgeable Harris. Trump has appointed President Joe Biden’s presidential candidate with his Wahlkampf as the US presidential candidate.

The Milliard is an example of a Wahlkampf if the player is playing a Leute. There is in New York City when a property is born and founded after the Studium in its ownership. On November 5, the Präsidentschaftswahl starts on a Kopf-een-Kopf-Rennen-zwischen ihm and Harris-hinaus.