
Penguin Random House: Verbot by KI-Training

Penguin Random House: Verbot by KI-Training

A novice working with intelligent intelligence (AI) has launched the Large Language Model (LLM). One of the machines that generates Lernmodell is Texte. Think of GPT from OpenAI or Gemini from Google. Damit das Sprachmodell etwas Sinnvolles ausspuckt, braucht es allends Training. For this training it is important that people create text texts – which achieves the generic results at the end of the human being. Warum had not defended everything either, was the internet so regibted? Text from blogs, news articles from websites, novels in e-book format? Penguin Random House believes that the punk is not white and a Riegel vor.

Random House with new Copyright-Hinweisen

Who is the British Fachmagazin The bookseller exclusive message set, due to Penguin Random House with Copyright-Angaben. A training of AI with car works is carried out. Der neue Wortlaut: “Kein Teil diesess Buches darf in irgendeiner Weise zum Trainieren von Technology or Systems of artificial light used intelligence or decayed were.” Not yet new, without the subsequent printed title sollen den Hinweis enthalten. In the analysis that the analysis finds, the title is “equipped with the Ausnahmeregulation für Text- and Data-Mining Ausgenommen Sind”. Laut dem Wochenmagazin für den Deutschen Buchhandel Börsenblatt erlaubt in Europa Artikel 4 Absatz 1 der Datenschutz-Richtlinie, de Nutzung urheberrechtlich geschützter Werke für Text und Data Mining (Auswertung großer Datenmengen), nur semantic information will be processed. When the training model generates the AI ​​model, the technology is “enriched and enhanced by the syntactic and non-warranted information about the work in the training data.” KI-Training sei laut einem Gutachten eine Urheberrechtsverletzung (Standing: September 6, 2024).

Einsatz von KI nicht ausgeschlossen

With Penguin Random House, one of the major English publications is spoiling the work for training speaking models. Ganz has the Anwendung von KI aber nicht aus. By the director of Penguin Random House UK, Tom Weldon, who started developing the computer in August 2024, it became “property of our cars and energetic users”, it was self-selected “generative AI-Tools and responsibility-conscious zen”, if you are the Bedarf in Unternehmen da.

Penguin Random House dennoch beisplayhaft

The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society is positive about the operation of Penguin Random House. Geschäftsführerin Barbara Hayes said: “It is a major edition with PRH new forms (…) which uses the Grundsatz des Urheberrechts bekräftigen and Technology Unternehmen ausdrücklich untersagen, urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke zum Trainieren ihrer KI-Modelle zu. We are here for more information Beispiel von PRH follows and that the Unternehmen, the only model that presents itself, dies urgently so that knowledge is needed.”

Gewerkschaft promotes Zustimmung der Autoren

The British Schriftstellergewerkschaft Society of Authors (SoA) can carry out the negotiation of the Urheberrechtsseite as “willkommenen Schritt”. The current formula is not really good yet. It is imperative that you use the auto transmissions you are looking for. Anna Ganley, Geschäftsführerin der SoA, says: “As a matter of fact, these people are also responsible for further changes in the Verlagsverträgen (…), which means that they are well-considered, which guarantees lower costs, which ensures that their health is protected, and is protected der Verlag generative KI in Verbindung met der Produktion des Werks einsett of deren Einsatz jijässt – zum Beispiel für (…) Übersetzungen, Bilder, Coverdesign – und bevor der Verlag einem KI-System Zugang zu dem Werk of dessen Nutzung gewährt.”