
Gefährliche Virus-Variante jetzt auch in Deutschland – RKI bestätigt es

Gefährliche Virus-Variante jetzt auch in Deutschland – RKI bestätigt es

The Robert-Koch-Instut first developed the new Mpox-Variante (“Affenpocken”) in Germany. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the new variant (Class 1b) as safe.

The installation takes place on the active position of the Forschung, but is the direct main contact position. Kinder since besonders in Gefahr, solange sie small sind oder unterernährt, was in Congo, wo der Virus besonders wütet, often der Fall ist.

+++ More about the new variant: Affenpocken: Fear of the new variant ++ Erster Fall in Europe +++

During the holidays (October 18) and discovered that they were alive in Australia. This means that the RKI is also “not a matter of experience” in Germany. (with afp)