
Clean consciousness? So often it is worth looking in Essen, um abzunehmen

Clean consciousness? So often it is worth looking in Essen, um abzunehmen

In the Hektik of the Alltags in Essen oft zur Nebensache. Quickly take a few moments between two terms or use the pictures – you don’t know this? It is a fact that there are knowledgeable experts: Gründliche Kauen is for a zoned Ernährung and Verdauung unerlässlich. Manche Expert*innen empfehlen sogar, jeden Bissen 32 Mal zu kauen.

Hilfe beim Abnehmen: Solltest du jeden Bissen kauen

This Empfehlung may be on the first Blick, which can be made by hand. If the product is no longer small, it is possible that the dilution enzyme is being activated. The work of Magens is carried out and the material contents are broken. If you want to eat a meal with a fast chair for a long time, you can help it for a long time.

Wer is not even an excessive problem, riskier verdauungsbeschwerden with sodblopen or blahungen. If you do this you may have a problem with the Nährstoffmangel. Deshalb gilded: Gut kaut ist half verdaut.

5 Professional Tips: This is how your beautiful Kaugewohnheiten improves

Do you need to improve the Kaugewohnheiten? Here are a few tips that can help you:

  • Nimm dir Zeit: Setz dich zum Essen is een vermeide Ablenkungen. Schalte dein Handig uit en konzentriere dich auf dein Essen.
  • Use the sinne: Schau dir the Essen and part of it, before you focus. Turn on sin and long for Essvorgang.
  • Small Bissen, great experiences: Start with small Bissen and go green. Scaffolding along 32 Kaubewegungen pro Bissen.
  • Geniusly surprised: Achte auf de Aromen und de texture deiner Speisen. Erlebe bewusst, wie sich der Geschmack isfail.
  • Mache Popes: Mache Pausen zwischen den Bissen, um das Sattigungsgefühl zu spüren.