
Femtosekunde-Feldoskopie ermöglicht de Zugriff op Molecule-Fingerabdrücke in nahen Infrarotbereich

Femtosekunde-Feldoskopie ermöglicht de Zugriff op Molecule-Fingerabdrücke in nahen Infrarotbereich

(openPR) Ultrakurze Laserpulse kannen Molecule impulsartig in Schwingung versstzen, such as a kurzes Klopfen a Glocke zum Klingen can bring. When the molecule is used by this light pulse, a signal is produced, which is used as “Free-Induction Decay” (FID) and which provides information about the molecule. The signal is now one of the most important moments – to a billion-dollar series of books – and a sweet end to the molecule’s “fingerprint”. If the female field copy with the molecular signal performs an ultra-cure of Laserpulses by Laserpulse itself, it will be an easy way to recognize the schwingungsantwort in the background. Wissenschaftler*innen come from the low specific molecule with higher identification requirements, was new Möglichkeiten for the saubere, störungsfree Recognition biologicaler Marker eröffnet. The Wirkprinzip can improve the results first and foremost due to the high quality of the natural ingredients, the combination tires in water and ethanol at a rate of 4.13 micromole at messenger.

The Herzstück technology is the action of ultralight light pulses with gas-filled photonic crystal phases. This impulse, which quickly makes a single light-well compulsion, will be experienced with phase-stabilizing combined impulse pulses. A field detection method, electro-optical detection, can detect this ultra-fast impulse with a detection band of nahezu Petahertz message and fielder with a zeitlichen Auflösung of 400 Attosekunden erassen. These exquisite results are light and sensible, molecular analyzes with unglazed pricing for beobachten.

“There are a lot of analyzes of the analytical research results and finding a higher empirical and a more dynamic dynamic research,” said Anchit Srivastava, Doctor at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Light. “It is important that our technology is a powerful light, so that signals from the flow of electricity can be filtered through the gas phase, which ensures that the messages flow.”

Hanieh Fattahi wrote: “Durch die gleichzeitige Messung von Phasen- und Intensitätsinformationen eröffnen wir new Möglichkeiten for the high-level biological spectromicroscopy. This development is no longer the frontier of field technology, but a meritorious ultra-fast phenomenon and a potential application in diverse areas of chemistry and biology, including a wonderful molecular recognition of unerlässlich ist.”

Bildunterschrift schematic Versuchsaufbau:
A light impulse is a molecule that affects the well-being of the infrared region. In this Versuchsaufbau you set the Molecule in the small Maintain the flowing Versuchprobe and yet another Molecule in the Wasserdampf in the Luft. The light impulse works through the combined reaction that the probe makes in the environment. A slightly impulsive walking path is at higher frequencies and there is a time-dependent message signal. These signal signals convey information about the first impulse given as the response of the flash probe (which did a billion dollars of secondary research) and the large amount of water vapor (which Hunderte von Milliardstelen did in secondary research). When hanging the signals, the biggest problem is that the air flow is separated from the gases by the long air flow.

clear consultation partner:
Dr. Hanieh Fattahi
Forschungsgruppen-Leiterin “Femtosekunden-Feldoskopie”
Max-Planck-Institut voor de Physik des Lichts

Original publication:
Anchit Srivastava, Andreas Herbst, Mahdi M. Bidhendi, Max Kieker, Francesco Tani and Hanieh Fattahi. Near-Petahertz fieldoscopy of liquid. Nature Photonics (2024).